- Cursed belt nerf
No longer affected by health regen multiplier
Health regen reduced from 3% to 2% of max life
Max Health loss reduced from 50% to 30% - Saint's Shinbone nerf
Heal 15% of your health instead of 100% - Collection book nerf
Damage per card decrease from 2% to 1%
New Artifacts
- Saint's Pelvis
heal 30% of your health at the end of a stage - Commoner's guidebook
each tainted card level increases your max health and health regen by 2% - Rozegold's Circlet
If you are at max health, Increase your damage by 50% and defence piercing by 100% and projectile lifetime by 75% - Spirit's Water
Cleanse your debuffs every 15 sec - Challenger's armband
Elite stage are twice more likely to appear - Challenger's amulet
increases card quality during elite stage - Jaald's potion
Gain a 300% damage bonus, Lose 15% per stage down to 0% - Companion mimic
Increase your current gold by 5% of its value at the end of a stage (Bans Midas's sword for my own sanity) - Pouch of greed
Randomly level-up 10 cards on pick-up
If no cards are available to be leveled-up, it'll simply halve the missing card level-up as a card selection - Training's dummy
Raise your max health damage by 1% at the end of each stage - Leaping boots
In Stage selection, lets you select ahead to the level after the next one. - Stone Hearth
Increases Max Health by 500%
Increases Damage by 25%
Reduces Health Regen by 90%
Reduces Food healing by 50% - Voltstrike Gauntlet
When you dash, you gain "volt-charge" buff for 10 sec
Having the "volt-charge" buff increases your damage by 15% (don't stack)
Upon accumulating 5 volt charges, they get consumed and you gain a "Voltstrike" buff for your attack speed, damage and critical chance for 15 sec.
You cannot gain volt charge while "Voltstrike" is active - Town Hall Registry
For each banned card, Increases your base damage by 0.25 and your base critical chance by 1%
- Greatly Reduced Mastery requirements for Tier 2 and Tier 3 God stones
- Greatly Reduced Mastery requirements for Lunar Inferno
- Reduced Mastery requirements for Level 3 and 4 weapon talents
- Nerf to Desynchronized Heart Talent
Reduced the effect from 400% (+ 200% per level) to 300% (+50% per level) - Reduced Sola's themed stone talents, exp gain
Sun stone: from 2.5% + 2.5% per level to 5% + 1% per level
Solar Stone: from 25% + 5% per level to 15% + 2% per level
Stelar Stone: from 45% + 5% per level to 25% + 2.5% per level - Buff bow talent
Increased volley count from 2+1 per level to 8 + 3 per level - Crossbow's talent tweak
Instead of shooting 1 bolt at a time, it shoots a number of arrows equal to the ability level
This also means the ability duration is shorter
Increased the number of arrow shot - Reworked Throwing knife active talent
When used, Instantantly replenishes dash charges
Also grants a bonus dash charge for a set duration and Reduces dash recharge delay - Gunslinger now has a proper active talent: Ammo belt
Increases attack speed by 100%
Increases damage by 50%
Reduces Ammo cost by 90%
- Dash potion drop-chance from crate greatly reduced during anachronistic
New Pick-up
- Fire Wine
Increases your damage by 25% for 10 sec - Swift Elixir
Increases your Move Speed by 20% for 10 sec - Haste-strike Serum
Increases your Attack Speed by 50% for 20 sec - Immortality Shard
Become immune to damage for 10 sec - Critstrike Infusion
Increases your Critical Chance by 100% for 15sec - Artificer's potion
Enemies explode on death, dealing 20% of their max life in a 5m radius around them to other enemies
Explosions dont happen if it's caused by artificer's potion explosion (for performance reasons)
lasts for 15 sec
- Villager event tweaking
Killing villagers now nets better rewards
Saving them is only possible if your corruption is less than 20
Saving villagers always gives the commoner's guide if you don't already have it
Killing them is only possible if your corruption is over 5
Killing them always give the pouch of greed if you don't already have it
New Events
- Gambling Den - You can gamble a part of your gold, you have a 50% chance to lose it or double it!
- Shrine of Order - Take the cumulated level of every card in a set rarity and combine them in a random card.
- Shrine of Balance - Take the average level of every card and apply it to every card.
- Shrine of Disorder - Randomly distribute the levels of your cards.
- Shrine of Reconstruction - Completly reroll your whole build while keeping the same amount of cumulated levels for your cards.
New Challenges
- C-rank challenge | Armor Ban
Start with "Silk Edge" and "Armor-Less", reduce your damage by 50%,You cannot level-up Silk Edge.
Banish conversion type cards | upon completion it unlocks "Silk Edge" card - C-rank challenge | Fast-Pass
- C-rank challenge | Shop-Keeper's Vacation end
Xp multiplier set at 0
Gold multiplier set at 300%
Corruption Multiplier set at 10% - C-rank challenge | Vild's Curse
Lose 5% of your max health after each stage - C-rank challenge | Risk of Storm
- Soul-shop should now properly updates when unlocking upgrades (like anachronistic upgrades when unlocking anachronistic
- Nerfed Base Damage multiplier upgrades
New Soul-Shop Upgrades
- B-rank Upgrade | Hyper-Crit
Allows critical strikes to stack if you reach more than 100% crit chance
Allows for crits to stack up to x2
More upgrades will be added on to increase this further - B-rank Upgrade | Hyper-Crit Stack
Can increase Hyper-Crit stacking up to x4 - B-rank Upgrade | Max Health every 5 Level
You gain 2/4/6/8/10 Base Max health every 5 levels completed - B-rank Upgrade | Critical Chance
- B-rank Upgrade | Defense Shredding
- B-rank Upgrade | Dash Charge
- B-rank Upgrade | Base damage multiplier
- B-rank Upgrade | Overkill Experience Multiplier
- Reduced Death requirement for Death related achievements
- Throwing knife now requires "Offensive dash"
This change is to prevent it from appearing in the first run as it can be a confusing weapon for new players - Cursed book now requires "Learning can become difficult"
- Portal Shard now requires "Strange teleportation device"
- Ouroboros now requires "Mastering death"
New Achievements
"Your Corruption make them stronger"
Reach 1 Corruption
Unlock Candle
"Am I wrong?"
Reach 5 Corruption
Unlock Flesh Armor
"This definetly look wrong"
Reach 20 Corruption
Unlock Blood Candle
"They are wrong"
Reach 100 Corruption
Unlock Cursed blade
"Dangerous line"
Reach 20 Purification
Unlock Holy Conversion
"Critical Overkill"
Reach 5000% critical damage
Unlock Hemokinesis
"Armor is a suggestion"
Reach 35 Defence piercing
Unlock Acid Coating
"Aerial superiority"
Reach 14 Move Speed
Unlock Black Wing
"Heavy Shield"
Have more than 80% of Damage Mitigation
Unlock Stalwart Shield
"Finish him!"
Have more than 1000% Critical Damage
Unlock Divine Smite
"Mistreated Armor"
Have more than 10 Defence Piercing
Unlock Armor polish
"Even the mind?!"
Have more than 15% Defence Shredding
Unlock Mind corruption
"Inconvenient Shield"
Have more than 250% Moon card Drop chance
Unlock Moon shield
"You no longer need your damage"
Have metal transmutation level 4 or more
Unlock Blunt Edge
"Kill the Elites"
Reach 50 damage or more
Unlock Revolution
Reach 300 damage or more
Unlock Boiling Blood
"Reaching the limit of sword mastery"
Reach 1500 damage or more
Unlock Weapon Aura
"Balanced, as all things should be"
reach 99% Critical Chance or more
Unlock Balanced Assault
"Critical of critical"
Reach 101% Critical Chance or more
Unlock Persistance
"Slowly but surely"
Reach 35% Defence Shredding
Unlock Corrosion
Reach 100 Defence Piercing
Unlock Blacksmith's insight
"Evil thrust"
Reach 666 Defence Piercing
Unlock Unholy Aura
"What are you doing ?!"
Have less than 0.2 damage
Unlock Jaald potion
Kill villagers
Unlock Pouch of Greed
"Commoner's Hero"
Save villagers
Unlock Commoner's guidebook
"Shop-Keeper best's friend"
Gamble and gain more than 50K gold in a single gambling event
Unlock Mimic Companion
"Practice to improve"
Get Practice soul-card up to level 30
Unlock Training Dummy
"Giant's Steps"
Finish C-rank mode in less than 45 minutes (IG Time)
Unlock Leaping boots
Reach 200% projectile speed
Unlock SubSonic
"Offensive dash"
Have Spear level 1
Unlock Throwing knife
"Learning can become difficult"
Have 80% or less Experience multiplier
Unlock Cursed book
"Strange teleportation device"
Kill C-rank Goblin Shaman
Unlock Cursed book
"Proper summoning power!"
Kill C-rank Worm Boss
Unlock Ouroboros Necklace
Require Thunder spirit level 5
Unlock Voltstrike gauntlet
Banish a card
Unlock Town Hall Registry
Complete SnuffHead's favorite using duelist
Unlock Love&Hate
"Mastering death"
Kill C-rank Necromancer
Unlock Summoner
"Vild's thanks"
Complete Vild Curse
Unlock C-rank Soul-shop Upgrade: Max Health every 5 Level
"Armor is an illusion"
Complete "Armor Ban" challenge
Unlock Silk Edge
"Overtake the queue"
Complete Fast-Pass challenge
Unlock B-Tier Soul-shop upgrade, Mastery gain multiplier
"The Storm Formerly Known as Purple"
Complete Risk of Storm challenge
Unlock some rare "shrine" events that have funny effects
- Summoned enemies dropping 0 xp gem instead of not dropping them at all
- Optional objective being "initialized" twice, leading for example to "kill X monster" optional objective to increase the monster killed by 2 instead of 1
- Death Aura talent not increasing the tick-rate
- Non-elite enemy in Fang collection objective not dropping fang
- Ability, reloading or manual attacks activating in pause menu when pressing their key
- Ouroboros Necklace Description
- Many Issues related to dynamic modifiers
- Many cards not displaying the correct value for their level
- Corruption having a huge issues with dropped experiences (it dropped 100% less exp that it was supposed to)
- Double Edge sword and Armor-less unlock achievement unlocked at level 20 instead of 50 and 100
- Scavenger granting ammo above the maximum ammo
- Arrow Tracker pointing the wrong direction in certain conditions
- Simulated dynamic modifier being applied to the player stats when they shouldn't (Broken statuette when not picking it for example)
- Few bugs with shaman staff talent
- pets not being lit by the player light's in cave
- reroll only having 2 sets of card
- Necromancer taking damage from death scythe when flying
- Limit-break card Selection not being randomized
- Normal combat stage having experience reward
- Black flickering bug when having the Fog quality set to low.
- Black flickering bug when using Worm gland at medium or lower fog quality
- Achievement displaying wrong required value for damage mitigation
- Stats from card in cardlist in MainMenu wasn't synchronised with your current avatar if you changed avatars.
- Default brightness value being set at 1/5 of what it should be by default.
- Poisonous debuff stacking issues
- A few navigation issues in game option menu
- Necromancer, Shaman and ranged enemies AI Improvement
They no longer try to walk to a position off screen, If their target position get off screen, they simply skip to the attacking state
This fixes them infinitely walking to a target position without ever reaching it and ignoring the player - "relative" card detail now just display the current change if the value is negative (to avoid the +-XX% display bug)
- Worm's spit flying projectile being the same colour as the player's
- Fix sloth giving 20% of it's base value instead of being a 20% multiplier bonus
- Procedurally spawned objects sometimes stacking and creating visual artifacts
- Player having its health completely healing when starting a stage
- Damage number's letter being incorrectly displayed
- Damage number space between number being wrong when camera was unzoomed
- Enemies spawned by enemies abilities wouldn't add correctly to the monster cap (only affecting hard cap and not the soft cap)
- Splitting monster ability spawning monster at level 1 instead of the same level as the monster source (so basically had the stats of a level 1 monster)
- Shaman's projectile not inheriting defence piercing
- Impenetrable Damage mitigation being a multiplier modifier instead of compound
- Necromancer's projectile casted high in the air when he's flying and missing the player
- My brain after having to write this freaking long Patchnote D:
Now use Net Standard 2.1 instead of Net Standard 2.0
Expect all mods to be broken
- DamageInformation class constructor now require a defenceShredding parameters.
- Removed GetDescriptionLevelUp()
- Changed how GetDescription work, it now uses a level and comparisonLevel variable
- Enemies AI refactorisation, you can now easily add new AI for your own monsters
- Pet required DLC also has an "any" setting to make modded pets work with both pet or cat dlc
- Refactored Training weight to no longer have anything hardcoded into the game
- ModdedStatsContainer now contain a "Category" string
- PixelAnimationData now contain a "AnimationSpeed" float.
- Slight change to SetDynamicMultiplyValue & SetDynamicAddValue to support a "display name" as they are shown during the stats detail windows now
- New stats : EnemyCountMultiplier Multiplies the number of enemies spawned naturally, also affects boss summoning spells and all forms of enemies spawning
- New bool in DamageInformation "CannotKill" - when set to true, it will not kill the entity (only works on the player for now)
- Fixed chendrak's bug otherwise he's gonna complain
- Achievement refactorisation, much cleaner code, and can now handle entirely custom Achievements
- New function AchievementAPI.CustomAchievement to register achievements with custom requirements
- Added AvatarData.DamageHistory which is a list of all the damage received by the player (is not saved when quitting and saving the game)
- AvatarAPI.AddCustomAvatar() change, it now requires the use of an avatarskin instead of just animation data
- New function AvatarAPI.AddAvatarSkin(), used to add a new skin to the game.
- GameData.SetCustomValue function now properly mark the Persistant data as "needing saving".
- Added "HasStat(StatsName)" check to check if an avatar own a stat.
- Stats not owned by an avatar will be ignored by cards description
New events
- OnCheckObjectiveCompleted
- OnCheckOptionalObjectiveCompleted
- OnAddForbidenStagePosition
- OnCalculatePlayerDamage
Called everytime the player damage multiplier needs to be updated (everytime a stat gets updated) - OnChooseSelectableStage<LevelObject,BoolValue>
Called when deciding which stage can be selected; - OnDisplayStageObjectiveText(StringValue)
Called when displaying the stage objective text to inject text (currently used for Custom boss related objectives) - OnFightUpdate - Called Once per frame when in fight.
- OnCalculateCardLevelGainAtOnce
Called When determining how many levels at once a card should gain when picked up (expect bugs if you set it to 0) - OnCalculateCardMaxLevel
Called when detecting what is the max level of a card - OnCalculateMonsterDefenceLoss
Called before calculating the defence less of an enemy - OnRollShop_FinishedSetBuyableCount(ShopManager,ShopGenerationInfo)
called before validating the shop buyable item, use this event to add custom buyable items to the shop of your choice.
Changed files in this update