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Yet Another Zombie Survivors update for 29 August 2023

Yet Another Content Update 0.3

Share · View all patches · Build 12060395 · Last edited 29 August 2023 – 15:46:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Welcome, Survivor!

The first content update is now live!

We hope you have fun playing on the new map, fighting new enemies, completing new challenges, and experimenting with new items and abilities! Please share your feedback with us, and remember that this is just the beginning, with much more content and in-game systems to come.

We've also implemented many of the things you've asked for, from manual aim & shoot options to one-hit kill prevention mechanisms. There are also a lot of other minor improvements and QoL, like improved item tooltips or fixes for FSR and Bloodless modes.

We've also streamlined the critical hit system, as it wasn't clear what was supposed to crit and what wasn't. It's now a simple boost to the damage done by weapons and abilities directly related to them. Its base damage has also been increased from 150% to 200%.

Special thanks to all of our beta testers for helping us squash the bugs and providing invaluable feedback. As always, we will continue to monitor the situation and address any remaining issues as they arise.

Have fun conquering the dunes!

Patch notes / Changelog


  • New map "Vile Wasteland" with new environmental hazard.
  • New enemies unique to the new map, as well as modifications to the old ones.
  • 11 new items, most of which have unique triggers (On boss kill, on critical hit, etc.).
  • 6 new second-tier abilities, one for each Survivor (i.e. "resurrection" mechanic for Medic).
  • 19 new achievements, some of which offering new, tougher challenges.
  • Sanji.


  • Weapon manual aim & weapon auto-shoot features.
  • Manual/auto aim toggle on middle mouse button / right thumbstick press (both are rebindable).
  • Damage received buffer: The maximum damage a player can take is now capped at -1000 HP.
  • Melee attacks (Ghost) are made from the edges of the party circle instead of the character's model.
  • Streamlined critical hits to cover only the Survivor's weapons and abilitites related to these.
  • Further improvements to the aiming AI and weapon target priorities of the Survivors.


  • Improvements to weapon/ability/item selection screens (stat highlight, color indicators).
  • Endscreens now display additional information such as the game mode and version number.
  • Skill-tree "Reset" option now has a confirmation prompt.
  • Options menu now includes descriptions of each setting and preview images where needed.
  • Better FSR implementation (no more blurred UI & better visuals).
  • Abilities in the pause menu now have descriptions on mouse-over.
  • Game size reduction & RAM usage improvements.
  • Improvements to Bloodless mode.


  • Fix for the game not correctly saving progress and/or not creating new backup save files.
  • Fix for the game displaying two interfaces at the same time & unpausing the gameplay on UI screens.
  • Fix for magnet & healthpack powerups disappearing from the ground with time (they shouldn't).
  • (Yet another) Fix for boss health bars staying on screen after the enemy is defeated.
  • Limit on simultaneous audio instances increased from 32 to 64 to fix some reported audio glitches on Endless Mode.
  • Fix for SOS Signal recruited Survivors giving wrong stat bonuses.
  • "Brigthness" setting in game options should now save correctly.
  • Other bug fixes for most of the reported issues.


  • Base Critical Damage stat increased to 200% (from 150%).
  • "T-Pose Doll" now increases the Immunity Time After Taking Damage by 0.3s (from 1s).
  • "Wooden Stick" now also decreases the Ability Damage stat by -5%, but has 2 stacks (from 5) and increases the Experience Gain Modifier by +25% (from +10%).
  • Skill-tree: "Role Player" now increases the experience points by up to 25% (from 50%).
  • Skill-tree: All three upgrades to Recycle, Reroll and Banish stats now give +2 per point (from +1).
  • Life steal now has an internal cooldown of 0.2s to prevents overheals in values of thousands of HP.

Thank you for all the positive reviews you're leaving us on Steam ːheart_meː

Please keep in mind that the game is a work in progress, so it will only get better with the implementation of new content, quality of life features, and upcoming revisions to some of the systems.
We all want this game to be great, and we hope you'll join us on this journey and give us your feedback!

Thank you for reading. Have fun with the update & don't forget to feed Sanji!

ㅤStay awesome,
ㅤㅤAwesome Games Studio

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