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Rune Gate update for 29 August 2023

Patch Note v.0844

Share · View all patches · Build 12059751 · Last edited 29 August 2023 – 15:09:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Change List:

  1. Runes can now be created and dismantled in the character screen and the Forge (only for the ones in the inventory), also canceled the confirmation popup, to make the entire process faster;
  2. You can now reroll recruits, the first time is free, followed by a 25 coin increment. Also Champions in the recruit popup are no longer linked to the current elemental cycle;
  3. You can now also create runes that are unlocked through talents;
  4. you no longer need to confirm to remove gears, you just need to click on the gear directly;
  5. "Frostbite" is now removed after attack twice, and it won't expire;
  6. "Bargain" is now less harsh on the high end;
  7. Fixed a few display issue.

Fix List:

  1. Fixed an issue where sometimes the block count is not reset in Augments and Buffs, causing it to go crazy high;
  2. Fixed an issue where Runes are not properly removed when dismantling a Follower;
  3. Fixed an issue where a tooltip is displayed in a weird angle;
  4. Fixed an issue where the end screen does not appear after you beat the game the second time;
  5. Fixed an issue where sometimes you can still reduce the cost of a Move even when it's already 0.

Thanks for the feedback!

Windows 64-bit Depot 2522271
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