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Boneraiser Minions update for 29 August 2023

Patch v35.11

Share · View all patches · Build 12059330 · Last edited 29 August 2023 – 14:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

//misc changes

  • The "translation_reference.csv" file has been updated.
  • Psycho Possessed class: On the 'Choose Possession' screen you can now view the 'Class Meta Summary' screen by pressing Down.
  • Gangly Grafted class - Behemoth Friendship meta: The previous patch change has been reverted back (sorry Barrower fans but is was a bit too good!)
  • Sorcerer Hollow class - Powerise Apprenticesio meta: The Majick Doppelganger's spell Power boost has changed to +50% (instead of a flat +1). This slightly boosts the 'Deamonic Doppelganger' but greatly reduces the bonus for Level 1 Doppelgangers (which could easily be spammed). The Mad Magus minion Attack Speed boost has also been boosted to +50% (instead of +40%).
  • Poisoned Gems: When picked up they'll no longer play the Hurt sound (was a bit annoying for the Beast Whisperer class).
  • Majick Doppelganger minion: They can no longer cast score related spells during a Boss fight (eg 'Midas Touch' as could be abused).
  • Blasphemous Trinket relic: The Selestious Vessel enemies it spawns will no longer have the extra Blessing until at least Stage 3 (super blessed are brutal very early on).

//bug fixes for the Fortnightly Challenge

  • The enemy spawn position seeding wasn't consistent after the first Boss.
  • The starting contraptions could be different if you did a 'Quick Restart' from the Quit menu.
  • The items sold by the second Souleater Dealer event wasn't consistent.
  • The Game Over screen didn't have the usual 'Play Again' option.
  • The Princess could spam the Queen's double ball attacks instead of the King's single ball attacks.
  • During the Princess's second phase she was only using the King's attacks (she can now use the Queen's depending on her current Health).
  • The Princess had the normal King's Score instead of the boosted New Game Plus one.

//other bug fixes

  • Hub: The Sorcerer Hollow class was sometimes creating a purple smoke effect over you (it was his Occult Health regen kicking in).
  • Mauseleum Awakens: King Gigald could perform the Princess's double ball attack.
  • Boneworld Challenges: If the class is a 'Psycho Possessed' then its starting second possession class would wrongly be a 'Psycho Possessed'.
  • Sorcerer Hollow class - Powerise Apprenticesio meta: A number of spells cast by Majick Doppelganger minions weren't benefitting from this meta (since the spell's effect was tied to the minion's Level instead of Power).
  • Egg Bro minion: If raised at the very end of a Castle Conquest stage then it wasn't saving its special type correctly (eg Golden Eggy).
  • Berry Bro minion: If raised at the very end of a Castle Conquest stage then it could start the next stage without a head (so wouldn't give bonus Max Health).
  • Occult Pact spell: If there were more spells given than available spell slots then the text would be wrong.
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