Increased Curse level up purify requirement from 2 -> 3. (More curse/ench reworks comin)
Daggers now have a 2-hit combo, with the second hit not dashing further forward.
Increased Phantom Daggers range a bit.
Butterfly's momentum now decays much slower but requires a bit more total movement. (Buff for most anything except throwing.)
Butterfly's storm now scales with size.
Increased spear (Mop/Pitchfork) range and stab speed.
Added a sweetspot sound to spears.
Crossbow now gains 25% crit chance when landing a powershot. Bonus is reset on miss.
Increased Axe chop movespeed multiplier from 0.5 to 0.75.
Big Heart Beet now also gives +1 health restored on level up.
Curse of Stiffness now reduces walk speed by 50% instead of 90%.
Made enchantment auras work with items that have physics (mop, capes).
Seal Converter now properly removes seals from the HUD.
Fixed drought not actually drying fountains. (Reported probably by Cellestus or Zaprice. i don't wanna go check i only have one screen right now)
Fixed Fairweather Fleet not being considered a gameplay zone for purposes of fog, fruit growth and pocket capacity. (Reported by... someone. i forgot. sorry)
Fixed guns being able to shoot multiple times per... shot. (Reported by Wunarg.)
SteamDB Unknown App 2204590 update for 29 August 2023
Buff time! Make things better more
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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