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Animal Shelter update for 30 August 2023

Patch 1.3.10

Share · View all patches · Build 12058474 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 18:06:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changes and additions:

  • We've heard your feedback regarding the difficulty of collecting stool samples. While we still don't plan on adding laxatives we've simplified the process while still maintaining a somewhat realistic approach to veterinary care. From now on, all animals that require stool examination will only defecate in this manner (they won't pee at all, but will poop every time). Additionally, sick cats and kittens that need a stool sample will not use a litter box (even if one is available near by), ensuring the valuable sample isn't lost in cat litter.
  • We've toned down the effect of the "Lack of Appetite" symptom. Animals with this symptom will still be less eager to eat than usual, but the difference will be less drastic than originally.
  • The horse placed on the treatment platform was overly curious and sometimes its head movements made it difficult to conduct a proper examination (especially auscultation). We've reduced the mobility of horses standing on the platform to prevent them from interfering too much in examinations with their sudden movements.
  • We've marked some perks as mutually exclusive, ensuring they cannot be present on the same animal simultaneously (e.g., Aggressive and Calm/Quiet/Relaxed/Polite, etc.).

Bug fixes:

  • Overzealous assistants with "cleaner" function will no longer remove the hay bedding in horse stalls.
  • Medical cabinets are now also available for purchase in the horse shelter.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the game to improperly save certain statuses of animals, leading to issues like the health stat dropping to zero and the overall stat value displaying as NaN.
  • Fixed a bug that caused slim horses to occasionally load with the 'heavy' body type.
Animal Shelter Content Depot 1239321
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