Mod Support
Starting with this update, the game will be able to load "mods" which make sharing custom content a lot more convenient!
The game still only supports custom billboard and character textures, I'm afraid, but these can now be bundled into mods and then uploaded to the Steam Workshop. In the future, more options for customizations (i.e. custom character models) will be added.
I have created a Steam Guide to run you through the process of creating and uploading mods: Check it out, here: Mod Creation Guide
Steam Workshop
As mentioned above, the game now features basic Steam Workshop integration!
You can browse the _Workshop _and subscribe to other users' mods, to import them into your game.
Also, I have taken the liberty of preparing a few mods which you can subscribe to and import, right now: Simply check out the game's Workshop page.
Patch Notes
- "Mods" menu
- Steam Workshop integration
- Example mods
- Italian translation
- Custom character skin definition can adjust tail/ear size
- Improved precision for crushing cars when walking over them
- High score behavior for local scores, in Custom mode
- Steam friend avatars in the leader boards were mirrored
- Internal error causing unexpected behavior (i.e. making buildings indestructible)
Changed files in this update