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Asterigos: Curse of the Stars update for 11 October 2023

Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Anniversary Patch and Dev Q&A

Share · View all patches · Build 12057380 · Last edited 11 October 2023 – 17:19:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It’s been a year since the gates to the City of Aphes opened to the brave explorers! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has embarked on this adventure with us and shared their epic stories.

To celebrate this special milestone, we have prepared a lot of exciting things for you!

Patch 1.08 is now LIVE

Introducing the new game mode: Gauntlet of the Stars.

Return to the City of Aphes and be prepared to face the formidable foes of the past once again to win a unique reward!

This Boss Rush Mode is a gauntlet challenge that allows you to rematch the deadly bosses of Asterigos in an exhilarating series of battles. The reward for completing the first four series is the shining armour of Gladiatrix Battlegear, a new outfit that becomes account-wide once unlocked!

To access Gauntlet of the Stars, you will need to progress until you have defeated the final boss of the main story or anytime in NG+ once you can enter the Shelter. Interact with the Gryphon statue in the Shelter to open up the menu and select the challenge.

There will be no death penalty if you are defeated in the Gauntlet. Additionally, you can bring any items or weapons into the series. So, fight dirty like a real gladiator, as the enemies show no mercy either.

Update 1.08 Patch Notes
  • New Boss Rush Mode: Gauntlet of the Stars, accessible through the Gryphon statue in the Shelter after defeating the final boss.
  • New outfit: Gladiatrix Battlegear, obtainable by completing Gauntlet of the Stars.
  • Praying at the Shrines in Call of the Paragons DLC will no longer trigger mob respawns.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be unable to proceed during the encounter with Alkinoos and Philippos.
  • Fixed a bug where the Brilliant Sun weapon mod would cause some perks to work incorrectly.

Watch the Developer Q&A

We have put together a special video in which we asked the Asterigos: Curse of the Stars development team the questions you sent us over the last week! Thank you for sending these over, it’s been great fun talking to the developers about the topics you mentioned!

Anniversary Sale

Save up to 45% on Asterigos: Curse of the Stars and DLCs from October 11th till October 17th!

  • Asterigos: Curse of the Stars (base game) - 45% off
  • Asterigos: Call of the Paragons DLC - 35% off
  • Asterigos Curse of the Stars Deluxe Edition - 40% off
  • Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Ultimate Edition - 35% off
  • Digital Artbook - 45% off
  • Digital Soundtrack - 45% off

Celebrating the Asterigos Community

We'd also like to celebrate the Asterigos: Curse of the Stars community! Cosplayers, artists, virtual photographers, musicians, streamers and everyone - thank you so much for your love and support! Here's to you!

Hilda by Sakuraflorr

Photo and retouch - brakeco_

Minerva by Oyuka Cosplay

Photo - Tom Howard
Retouch - Alice Nevermind Art

Vulcane Fan art by @vanishlily


Virtual photography by @Wolf_awoooo

Virtual photography by jettlife21 on Discord

Virtual photography by js8231 on Discord

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