8/29 v1.3.14 Shining Exhibits Update
New Card Art: "My Knife's Recursions"
New Card Art: "Sharp Knife Express"
Added support for Traditional Chinese.
New option for Act 1 boss selection: Can have the boss selected randomly, gaining 30 Power as a result.
Hakurei Purification Rod now provides 1 Barrier at the start of combat.
Fairy's Green Branch now adds a Midsummer Flowers to the hand whenever a Teammate is summoned by being played.
Midsummer Flowers now has Ethereal by default, damage growth reduced: 4/6→3/4。
Beauties of Nature's upgrade now reduces its cost to 1G instead of producing a Midsummer Flowers, removed mention of said cards gaining Ethereal.
Zener Cards' life loss on spell use reduced: 2→1。
Stone of Aja now only provides 2 Firepower and adds 2 Refracted Sunlights to the discard pile at the start of combat.
Doll of Announcing Spring removed, replaced with a new green Shining Exhibit: "Kasen's 100 Medicines".
Harvest Fruit Basket reworked, now increases maximum life for each card added to the library.
Ancient Magatama reworked, now gives P whenever 4 or more mana is spent to play a card.
Changed depots in alpha branch