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Rightfully, Beary Arms update for 30 August 2023

Patch Note 0.2.0

Share · View all patches · Build 12053587 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 02:06:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Hi all! We’ve got some major updates incoming, which prioritize early game balancing and loading performance. Let us know what you think after the changes go live!

Patch Note 0.2.0



  • Drastically improved loading time performance for lower end machines.
  • Improved loading time performance for the Steam Deck.
  • The first dungeon after spawning will be a lot shorter compared to other dungeons. This dungeon will also have an equal chance of guaranteeing a health, weapon, or inspiration drop.
  • Starting dock dungeons will have less rooms which require dashing over water in the mech galaxy. Rooms that require more dashing over water will slowly increase in subsequent galaxies.
  • Starting arcade dungeons will have larger rooms with less pool tables and bowling ball returns in the mech galaxy. Rooms with more pool tables and bowling ball returns will slowly increase in following galaxies.
  • The galaxy progression screen has been replaced with... well, you'll see.
  • Fixed a bug where some space rooms overlapped.
  • Fixed (hopefully) a bug where loading out of dungeons caused an inability to select a new dungeon from the nav screen. This bug is really hard to recreate, so let us know on Discord if you see it again.

Enemies and other NPCs

  • Fixed a bug where enemies were not spawning correctly based on player progression.
  • Fixed a bug where mech faction would hold and shoot weapons at a lower position than intended.


  • First Death Calamity has been removed.

Weapons and Items

Squirt Gun
  • Renamed the mess of named instances of this weapon to “squirt” instead of “squit”.
  • Homeland has been replaced but not forgotten.


  • Updated Credits.
Windows Depot 1928031
  • Loading history…
  • Loading history…
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