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Z.O.N.A Project X update for 28 August 2023

Hello, stalkers! We have a new update for you, version 1.00.22.

Share · View all patches · Build 12052348 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 20:09:27 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, stalkers! We have a new update for you, version 1.00.22.

What's new:

☢️ Added the achievement "Dove of Peace!"
☢️ Added the achievement "Forward Only!"
☢️ Added a seated gameplay mode. It can be activated in the main menu or in the stalker's PDA.
☢️ Introduced a sharp player turn mode. Now you can choose between smooth and sharp turning. Activation is available in the main menu or in the stalker's PDA.
☢️ Added a gravity mode for lifting objects. Unlike the standard mode, you'll see a red line on the item you want to pick up. This mode can also be activated in the main menu or in the stalker's PDA.
☢️ Introduced a helmet calibration feature in case the VR helmet tracking is malfunctioning. Activation is only available in the stalker's PDA.

Changes and fixes:

🔸 Some locations have been revisited and refined.
🔸 In the PDA, when saving or deleting, the game will now ask for your confirmation due to past incidents where players accidentally deleted or loaded saved progress.

Remember, stalkers: The Zone, just like our lives, is constantly changing, and every venture into it is a new challenge. Stay alert and cautious. Good luck! There are many more exciting things ahead!

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