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Dungeon Looter update for 28 August 2023

Major Update 0.13 New Hard Mode + A bit more

Share · View all patches · Build 12052039 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 18:52:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Stuffs

New difficulty: Hard

Dive into harder variant of dimension with each new gimmicks of their own. Some enemies might got their new trick too.
Select the new difficulty in room setting in town lobby screen and give it a go!

Town Blacksmith

Weapon mods customization is now possible, including repair your equipment or protecting them from completely broken!
But this privilege is reserved to veteran dungeon looters, it will be demanding considerable resources and gold. Unlock it from DDD upgrade menu along with other new added upgrades.

Rework on Loot Points (LP)

Previously loot points are 'imaginary' point that you obtained when smashing the boxes/vases. I decided to rework it to be more 'visually understandable'. So in short, these new glittering are your new LP, go get 'em! At the end of the run they will also converted into gold.

Fast Travel

If your team explored 100% of current floor and cleared 100% all enemies. You can fast travel to important locations such as shop or exit door without having to navigate the floor again.

Gameplay changes

That you should know.

Rogue: canceling dodge roll with attack

This technique gives better chance to backstab while rolling pass enemy's body. While in the rolling animation, hold the opposite direction key and then attack. Effect clue will play if you do it correctly.

Ranged weapon can now deal with enemy's spinning move

Old: Player MUST use guard+counter to stop such move. Ranged projectile cannot hurt them as this melee attack also deny incoming projectiles.
New: In additional of guard+counter, player can also use ranged projectile to damage and make them stagger. (especially for rogue who does not have guard+counter) Enemy spinning melee attack will not deny projectile from hitting anymore.

Random teleport card will confuse chasing enemies

When using a random teleport card (Random-Access Card) to escape chasing enemies, they will become confused for short period. (lose current aggro and won't be able to sight a new target, similar to rogue's smoke bomb skill)

Projectile deny and mage's mana wall VS explosive

Old: Denying (slashing) an explosive projectile and it will still explode in your face.
New: Denying will safely dispose of projectile without explosion, mage mana wall also does that so standing near it won't face an explosion anymore.

Other Fixes and Tuning

  • All classes: Buff starting stamina of every classes. This should make more flexible game play for new players.
  • Rogue: Have double daggers as default weapon instead of 1 hand. (To be able to use sonic slash on start)
  • Sewer: Tune slime splitting, split slimes will have less level than its original.
  • Boss world: Final boss will randomize each minigame by shuffle bag method (pick and remove) instead of fully random so every minigame can take turn to appear.
  • Item: Change the way item modifier "cursed" work, it will now add attack bonus to player instead of apply in weapon per-swing, this was adjusted for rogue dual wielding to get more fair damage output while holding 2 curse weapons. (and still getting defense down debuff from both hands)
  • Loot: Rework on item generation logic, it should give a proper better item naturally in higher floor.
  • Economy: With introduction of new LP system, diver license level curve, dungeon shop are heavily re-adjusted.
  • Economy: Selling items in town gives you more gold, especially valuable items.
  • Hot join: Fix hot join procedure to properly work again vs new player who still preparing in the town screen.

Dev Talk Corner

2023 is still going, pandemic comes and go, new game genre also come and go, back then there were auto battler, bullet heaven, now is 'only up' and their army of clones. And I looked at at my personal project, Dungeon Looter, who is still on the old side of genre, I smirk a bit.

Dungeon Looter was perhaps too ambitious and expensive to make, not cost-expensive but time-expensive. There were 1Y before putting it into the EA, and now it should be near another 1Y anniversary in EA.

I'm happy how the new difficulty update turned out and make the game is closer to what I wanted it to be. I'm relieved that I can deliver it by the promised time (August) from the last update post. But looking ahead, given the speed of 2 major updates I managed to push out, I want to reconsider some extra features I think might be too costly to include in the early access phase, let's talk about them a bit.

  • Bots: This was intended to be for solo players to be able to get the chaotic fun experience the game could offer in multiplayer room. For technical perspective, it would also hard to make good AI. Will it be worth the long development effort, not to mention will it really worth it and make the game more fun in the end?

  • Modding support: Modding would be very great choice for game with existing player base, and if the game genre itself is kind of sandbox which allow player to have fun modding it. Even though Dungeon Looter satisfies second condition, but probably not enough for the first. So this also has to wait and see.

  • Another game mode: Could served as an extension content after the release but I feel like I should not tie or delay full release with this condition. Let's focus on the main mode experience for now.

With aforementioned reason, I would like to announce that these extras will be moved to beyond the full release.

Next plan

Since this update is a feature update, next one will be a content update.

I aim to add +1 another class, + 1 another theme and some side dishes maybe new item modifier and rework on perks.

For the ETA of next major update would be around Dec-Jan.

Current Early Access Progress

Currently I would evaluate it to be around at 50% progress toward full release.

<0.11> Initial EA release
<0.12> Rogue+Sewer
<0.13> Hard mode <--- WE are here
-- next ------
<0.14> 1 class + 1 theme
<0.15?> maybe some addition/adjustment to the core game play
<0.16?> Finally achievement + localization
-- full release -----

With this new plan, we would see full release around Q3-Q4 next year, with total time 2Y in EA which is maybe already uncomfortable than I wanted.

For those extra features mentioned above (bot+modding etc) will not be totally scraped out, but moved to "maybe" after the full release.

That's all for now,
If you found any bugs, please report them in the forum!

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