Greetings Abalon fans!
I’m excited to announce our participation in Steam’s Strategy Fest with a 35% discount on Abalon. In addition, we’re running a special event this week that will unlock several characters that normally require completing some achievements before they can be played. These include the Pyromancer, Fighter Mage, Liche King and Ice Queen. Simply login to play during the duration of Steam Strategy Fest and you’ll automatically unlock them.
Additionally, I have some more balance changes and bug fixes for you!
v1.25.0 Release Notes
- Balance: Metamorph no longer shape shifts as a counter attack to ranged attacks. Metamorph now inherits the life total and any status effects (ex: poison, frozen, etc.) to the new creature it transforms into (and vice versa when changing back). Metamorph can no longer target other metemorphs to create an infinite transformation loop.
- Balance: Muse gains the Unique ability to prevent infinite musing between two muses.
- Balance: Ice Fall, Blizzard, Flash Bomb and Time Bomb can no longer damage obstacles that cannot be targeted by attack (ex: trees)
- Fixed Bug where losing a unit that grants a card cost discount could result in cards drawn later during the game costing more than their base cost.
- Localization: Fixed bug in Russian translation that prevented exiting the End Turn warning prompt when actions were still available (Thanks Neuk)
- Localization: Updated French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese translations.
- Fixed Bug where particle effects (ex: Cleanse Animation) were not animating all the way across the map when framerate is set to 120FPS
- Fixed Bug where Fellow Adventurer or Mercenary would fail to spawn in the dungeon room containing a path of spike traps. (Thanks Rathskellar and hbm001)
- Fixed Bug where player couldn’t access the gold chests as there is an invisible barrier at the boss gate and there are no other paths. (Thanks hbm001)
Abalon at SIX (Seattle Indies Expo)
If you're attending PAX Seattle this week, don't forget to stop by and check out the Seattle Indies Expo. I'll be showcasing Abalon there, so this is your chance to meet the developer in person as well try our upcoming mobile build. Details:
Your Feedback Matters
Just another friendly reminder that I really care about your feedback - it's what drives me to do better with each update. Here's how you can get involved:
- Write a Steam review for Abalon - Your reviews help immeasurably with our game discoverability and motivate me to keep developing and improving. I greatly appreciate your reviews, so please take a moment to share one if you haven't yet :)
- Submit feedback (especially bugs) directly in-game via Settings -> Share Feedback. This makes it really easy for me to reproduce your bugs and nicely organizes your requests into my "to do" list so I don't forget.
- Post a message on our Steam discussion board.
- Join our Discord community
- Instant message me directly on Discord (Username: RossD20Studios)
Thanks so much!
Changed files in this update