!This update will reset your current run!
!This update will reset your current run!
New Maps
Unlock three new maps. After reaching the required stage, the map theme gets put into a pool and randomly selected on starting a run.
*** Forest - Stage 20
- Ice - Stage 40
- Hell - Stage 60**
New Enemy Types
We introduced two new enemy types. This will improve the late game difficulty and leads to the use of more different turrets. These enemies can also appear from the start, once you start on higher difficulties.
Enemies with armor take 60% reduced damage through normal attacks. To be able to penetrate the armor more efficiently, you need to equip the right upgrades. You can spot these enemies by their bronze shield bar and you can spot upcoming armor waves by the bronze color of the formation icon.
Enemies with shields can only have one of their shield bars broken at a time, no matter how strong the attack. Upcoming waves with shield enemies will have their formation coloured in blue. Monsters of that wave have a second blue healthbar. Equip items to increase the number of shield bars you can break.
New Items
We introduced two new items, to help you combat the new enemy types.
Armor Damage
Equipping turrets with this item, increases their damage against armor.
Shield Damage
Equipping turrets with this item, allows you to break multiple shield bars at once. One shield bar per 100%.
New Targeting System
We improved the targeting system available to you. You can now no longer only switch between two options, but target specific enemies to pick out the most threatening target.
General Improvements
- Changed how points are spent in the stage selection screen to have a more realistic difficulty scaling
- Selected turret/abilities are now highlighted
- Turrets not affordable are greyed out
- Increased zoom range to be able to view the whole map at once
- Improved tutorial highlighting
- Mouse camera movement doesn't deselect turret anymore
- Enemies that are slowed, have their crystals turn blue
- Added 15 handmade waves that spawn randomly throughout a playthrough
Balancing Changes
- Selling a turret gives back 50% of the gold spend on upgrades
- Decreased the gold you get back when selling a base turret to 50% of its cost
- Items received from lootboxes drop on the lower end of the rarity range
- Upgrading items now scales with the rarity, lower rarity receive a higher % gain than higher rarities.
- Buffed late game turrets to be viable around the stage you receive them, even without major upgrades
Bombarding Battery
- Splash Damage Falloff: 0.75 => 0.85
Digging Defender
- Damage: 150 => 250
- Range: 2.5 => 1.5
Missile Matrix
- Damage: 90 => 400
Plasma Pulse
- Time to max damage: 25s => 10s
- Damage: 62 => 60
- Range: 3.5 => 3
Performance improvements and small bug fixes.
Feel free to drop by on our Discord to leave some feedback or ask questions.
Changed files in this update