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Dust Fleet update for 30 August 2023

Dust Fleet v1.1 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 12049839 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 18:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for playing the game and for your feedback. Since launch, I've been hard at work squashing all the space bugs I can find. Here's what's included in patch 1.1

Here's what's fixed:

  • FIX: Starmap stuck in "updating".
  • FIX: Double clicking a friendly ship will select all friendly ships of the same type (correct) but also all enemy ships of the same type (incorrect)
  • FIX: If a mix of friendly and enemy ships are selected, player will be able to control all ships, including the enemy ones.
  • FIX: Nuke not detonating sometimes (nuke strike)
  • FIX: Reloading saved game does not restore the tally of existing ships vs scrappage.
  • FIX: Braddock incorrect portrait in mission "Eyes".
  • FIX: Blank fleets left behind after a mission when game saved during a mission.
  • FIX: Rekjavik unable to fit heavy turrets.
  • FIX: AI ships not following (or abandoning) move orders in some circumstances.
  • FIX: Orca unable to be captured.
  • FIX: All ships show as "station" in shipyard and loadout stats.
  • FIX: Module buttons available for stations present in the battle, causing issues when they're used. During a battle, station modules should only be available from stations in neighbouring locations, not the one at the current battle location.
  • FIX: On "Assault" missions, the mission is missing when a mid-mission game is loaded (see the mission text in the top left during battle), but reappears when restarting. When the mission is missing, it means the battle cannot be won.
  • FIX: Hold Fire does not work for ships that have already begun shooting at a target.
  • FIX: Mission: "Nobody likes packing" - Script lock if asteroids are destroyed at the beginning.
  • FIX: Repair turrets continuously fire even after something is repaired, instead of switching to other ships to repair.

Thanks again and please be sure to leave a review and your feedback so I can keep making the game the best it can be.

See you in space!

Windows Depot 406161
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