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Stone Age: Digital Edition update for 28 August 2023

Stone Age: Digital Edition update 1.0.3 is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12049792 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 14:09:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The update is here!

Might not be as impactful as the discovery of 🔥 but still will greatly improve your Stone Age experience! ;) Check out what changed!

[Feature] "Waiting for opponent" hint has been added.
Not sure if it is your turn or what are you waiting for? Now you don't have to worry about such things because we added the hint informing that you are "Waiting for opponent". :)

[Fix] Tooltips for buildings (on board) should now not be displayed over the user interface.
Last week we added the UI scaling slider and now we have improved this feature! Tooltips now will do what they are supposed to do and that is give you all the information you need to win! :D

[Fix] The Issue causing card info missing in the cards track minimized view (in the upper right corner of the screen) has been fixed.
[Fix] In online games the short room names will not be unnecessarily cut.
[Fix] Closing cards description after exiting the window is now working correctly.
[Fix] Tooltip of the icon describing a number of possessed building tiles is now correctly displayed.
[Fix] Issue causing the building cost on the board to be displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
[Fix] Live Scoring button has been graphically improved.
[Fix] The "Could not connect to server" message is now not constantly displayed while trying to change options in the account settings window.
[Fix] Scrolling the cross-promotion window by clicking on the arrows has been fixed.

That is all for today! Expect more updates shortly! :) As your meeples are hungry for food at the end of the day we are hungry for your feedback! Let us know what you think of the game through the comment section or the feedback feature! (an envelope icon)

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