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Open Fishing XL update for 28 August 2023

Update 1.1 is OUT, Better controller support and more gameplay options.

Share · View all patches · Build 12047738 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 09:19:59 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Howdy, here's a post launch patch to solve some issues, improve the steam deck experience, and add some small things.

There is no longer a button in the settings menu to switch to controller mode, this now happens automatically. This was a whole ordeal to get working, having to move to the new unity input system (which I despise lol). There's currently a minor bug where the camera snaps to your mouse when switching back and forth. Not a huge deal but it's something I'm aware of. If this is a big deal to any of you please tell me, I might go back and fix it.

I've also added insta fish mode, in this mode there's no reeling in. I've added this for those that can't click fast for whatever reason or those that want an even more relaxed experience. You will not be added to the leaderboard when using this mode. Insta fish mode can be enabled in the settings menu.

Also fairy lights have been added, I think they look really cute and help to distance the game from the ps1 horror aesthetics. I've also added other stuff but that's all in the change log.

Added a locked-more visible fish meter, enableable in the settings
Added a cheat for the map screen for those who don't want to draw the whole thing
Added insta fish mode
Added fairy lights
Changed to the new input system
Fixed the FOV issue some player had on the rogue isle
Fixed controller support in the net catch screen

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