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Looper Tactics update for 28 August 2023

LOOPER TACTICS Released Today on Steam!

Share · View all patches · Build 12047106 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 07:06:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

2P Games is excited to announce the official release of their highly anticipated collectible card adventure with roguelite mechanics, Looper Tactics! The game is now available on Steam for $10.99 / €10.79, and to celebrate the launch, we're offering a special 10% discount during the first week.

Embark on an epic journey through dungeons, strategically craft powerful decks, and engage in the thrilling cycle of gameplay to break free from the curse that the Ancient Empire has bestowed upon you. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Looper Tactics and begin your quest for liberation!


Looper Tactics mixes collectible card game and deckbuilding mechanics with roguelite elements. Explore dungeons and complete tasks to gain access to more powerful cards. Fight, die and repeat the cycle until you craft the most powerful deck in the game.

A long time ago, the ancient Empire created a world within a box and filled it with artificial souls. But fearing that its creation might end destroying their own reality, the Empire decided to seal that world-within-a-box and curse it to live in an endless cycle of reincarnations, ensuring its total isolation. Now, the time has come to break that vicious cycle. You are the one to free your world and defeat the ancient Empire once and for all!


  • Explore a metroidvania-like board. Each board hides combats, puzzles, adventures and secrets. Deciding what places to explore is up to you -- remember that with great risk come even greater rewards!
  • Build a deck with no restrictions. Mix and match items, scrolls, or hero skills and choose from a pool of different races that include elves, elementals, demons, and dragons.
  • Improve your cards and embrace death. Looper Tactics encourages players to die frequently. Starting anew will let them progress even forward while keeping attributes and enhancements earned during previous runs.
Windows 64-bit Depot 2140851
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macOS 64-bitEnglish Depot 2140852
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