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Hexworld update for 28 August 2023

Hexworld 0.7.1

Share · View all patches · Build 12046654 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 08:33:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Nomad golems join the battle!

Hexworld is slowly getting in shape in terms of content and lore, and this update brings a lot in this regard. First of all, we bring the different golem building styles.

  • Life style is based on the essence of living creatures and nature, those are your favorite chunky bois made of clay and dirt. Sturdy, reliable, and really persistent.
  • Radiant style require hot and sunny places to gather essence, their nomad golems are made of dust and hot air, covered by exquisite canvas. They are swift, can dodge, but a little bit on a frail side.
  • Death style, well.. let's not yet talk about the Death lords and how they make their battle abominations.

Second, the kingdoms now have proper identity, each of them will reside in a specific region and have preferred golem style buildings.

  • Azuria Kingdom and Redplaine Duchy inhabit the Green Continent, and of course, with their grassfields and forests their schools follow a Life style golembuilding
  • Califate Emeralis and the Empire of Tang occupy the Desert continent, and their artificers build golems using Radiant school teachings
  • Mortum.. is Mortum, nothing to see here, let's move on.

You can now start your adventure in any of the regions (well, we just have 2 for now :), so if you already played a lot of Green continent, feel free to start from the Desert.

We also made some QoL updates like a better camera pan. And last, but not least, the music got a massive update, we finally made a proper dynamic music engine and a killer track for it, so check out the Green continent music! Now hopefully it's a bit less annoying to play on repeat for several levels :) Desert one is coming along a bit later, too.

Full Patch Notes
  • [New] Dynamic Music Engine and new dynamic track in Green region
  • [New] Screen - Regions Map
  • [New] Desert structures - Chakram Palace, Dagger Palace, Scarab Lair
  • [New] Mortum structures - Bone Archery, Bone Barracks
  • [New] Azuri structure - Hound Stable
  • [New] Desert golems - Chakram Nomad, Dagger Nomad, Scarab
  • [New] Mortum golems - Crossboner, Bonewarrior
  • [New] Azuri golem - Hound
  • [New] Azuri tiles - Meadow, Steppe
  • [New] Mortum tile - Dead Forest
  • [New] Art for Boulderswag Pit and Giant Pit structures
  • [New] pan camera control, more precise and feels much better than the old one
  • Camera pan sensitivity setting added to settings menu
  • Slide camera pan option is disabled. We may or may not bring it back at some point
  • Simplified Chinese locale added
  • Ru-ru locale added
  • We are not enabling official "supported languages" in Steam yet for these locales
  • You can switch locale in settings menu
  • Locales are stored in \StreamingAssets\Locales folder of the game
  • HexDamage is reduced for Giants and Boulderswags to 10 (was 25) means they will less likely destroy your hexagons
  • Giants and Boulderswags spawn pattern is now 2 units max at T3 (was 3 units max at T3)
  • Better splash damage control. Now limited by x2 max in the hit epicenter
  • Forge: ArmorAdd 5 (was 10), SpeedMod 0.7 (was 0.6), AttackSpeed 1.3 (was 1.5)
  • Global MinDamage is now 1.0 (was 0.1) to counter extremely high armor values in some cases
  • Few tweaks to desert tiles (e.g. Oasis +3Ra/+3Li, Savannah +2Ra/+2Li)
  • Red Pillars tiles give same amount of Iron as Mountain tiles
  • Oasis tile has a passive healing aura (+3 hp per second)
  • Mortum units now ignore necro tile slowdown effect
  • Introduced LODs for tiles and units. When you zoom out - less details will be shown consuming less GPU resources.
  • Introduces Pooling for projectiles and visual effects. Means they will be recycled instead of allocated/deallocated spending CPU cycles.
Other Fixes
  • [Editor] Fix for weird offset when dragging a hexagon in some cases.
  • [Fireball Wizard Boss] Now you can not kill the boss by destroying the hexagon he is staying on


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