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My Island update for 27 August 2023

V2.2 New horses and horse riding

Share · View all patches · Build 12044933 · Last edited 27 August 2023 – 23:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New content:

  • New horse riding feature, adding 5 high-quality horse animations and models, completely different from the v1 version of the horse. You need to purchase these horses from the survivor and place them on the ground. Press V to call the horses, and they will run towards you. In the future, the horse taming function will be updated, and currently only horses can be obtained through trading with NPC.

  • 2 types of black and white unicorns,Mysterious and Gorgeous Animals,Hint word: Volcano.At present, every time you enter the game, you need to go to the volcano top to find unicorns, they will not be saved

  • Fish-trap for v2, you need to place the trap in slightly deeper water and display a small icon to mark its position for you to find it in the future. You only need to wait for a while to collect the fish, and the catch time is random, which may be a few minutes or ten minutes. Note that unlike v1, the v2 fishing trap cannot be dragged. If it is placed in the wrong position, it can only be picked up with a hammer.

Important fix:

Fixed a bug where players respawn and then approached to see animals disappear

  • Fixed issue of not saving and loading hot bar items

Minor fixes and improvements:

The water collector is no longer limited in weight and can be filled with more water

  • Increase the stacking quantity of coconuts, bananas, and watermelons

  • Increased the price of items sold by players, allowing them to earn more coins from NPC

  • The automatic save function of v2 has been turned off. You need to manually save the game. Please note that if you have built and planted a lot of things, you need to wait for the save to display before exiting the game.

  • Shorten the nighttime to 10 minutes in the real world and 40 minutes during the day

  • Fixed a bug where items such as coconuts in the water could not be picked up

  • Fixed the issue of wall painting being placed to pass through the stone walls

  • Adding a small icon on the bed can indicate the direction of the home

  • Modify the use of fiber in paper making without bamboo, reduce the amount of paper used for fireworks production

  • UI improvements

  • Fixed bugs where small bamboo walls and fences could not be placed

  • Fixed the issue of v1 being unable to place buildings on the seaside and seabed areas

Windows My Island Content Depot 1004271
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