Version 2.0458 includes the following improvements:
- Added new lines to 'hudmotion.txt' file to support custom direction, depth, and row settings.
- Shield level indicators on cockpit ship and target status displays updated for a cleaner look.
- Current target HUD indicator now has 3-bar directional shield indicators to match gunsight indicators.
- Gunsight inbound missile direction indicators increased in resolution and range bar reversed for clarity.
- Improvements to character capacities and types for ship descriptions/names on cockpit displays and HUD readouts.
- Added new 'Plot Route' navigation system that automatically plots waypoints to a selected location in another charted system linked by jump gates.
- Integrated new route plotting system into inter-sector contract framework so waypoint path is automatically applied.
- Added message log notification when entering a new star system through a jump gate or wormhole (includes war zones).
- Improvements to solar array structures (now solid and much larger) and related tractor beam cleaning precision.
- Added new lines to savedata option to export custom waypoint status, selected waypoint, and location values.
- Added new 'Hold at Nav' fleet order (replacing 'Dismiss' in the HUD drop down menu and key/button index).
- Added new dedicated key/button mapping index for 'Dismiss fleet ship(s)' (page 4).
- Improvements to NPC small ship collision system to reduce 'stacking' condition.
- Improvements to autopilot docking maneuvers and course selection.
- Ship and station textures updated for a cleaner panel look.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
Plot Route System and Inter-Sector Contract Integration
A new route plotting capability has been added to the navigation console which can automatically set a waypoint path through the game's jump gate network spanning multiple charted systems to travel to a selected destination. If no waypoints have already been plotted, then the 'Plot Route' button will appear on the left side of the console where the 'Set Nav' button appears when waypoints are active. To set a route, simply selected the destination in another star system you want to travel to in the navigation console, then click on the 'Plot Route' button. The system will attempt to plot the most efficient route to the selected destination and set waypoints to each jump gate along the way. If you want to set up a different destination after a route has already been plotted, simply right click on the 'Delete' button to clear all waypoints and then reset the route. For the route to be plotted, it must span at least one star system and each waypoint must be within nav sensor range of a jump gate to each arrival point. If the system is unable to plot a route to a selected destination, it will provide an explanation in the message log. Once set up, the nav point is set to the first waypoint automatically and the player can simply engage the autopilot to travel through the complete waypoint route. As with previous autopilot functionality, any sector-to-sector distances will have the autopilot engage the jump drive automatically while in-sector locations will require the player to manually engage the jump drive so they can optionally control local arrival angles and adjustments as may be needed.
The new route plotting system has also been integrated into inter-sector contract system. This way, the player no longer has to manually plot a course and the entire route to the distant location through the jump gate network can be plotted automatically when accepting such contracts. The system will also clear out any old waypoints to reset the route for a newly accepted contract. The one exception to this is the scanning in uncharted space objective where the player will still need to plot their own waypoint course manually to the nearest star system. However, waypoint one will still be placed at the required destination for scanning as a guide. Additionally, station attack alerts will offer optional route plotting when they occur and provide a 15 second window to link in for the coordinates. To retrieve the nav details where the attack is occurring, press the trade key or button during the countdown to establish the link and have the route plotted for you. If you miss the time limit, you can still manually plot a route to the destination sector by simply putting the nav point anywhere in that sector, then clicking on 'Plot Route'.
Hold at Nav Fleet Order
This new directive instructs single player fleet ships to hold at the current specified in-sector nav point. The player can issue the order with an existing nav point, then change the nav point to travel somewhere else while the fleet ships remain at the original location. The player can also specify individual nav points for each fleet ship. This can be useful if a player wants to temporarily keep their fleet ships at one location while they travel to a different location in the sector and/or complete some other task. As with the mining directive, if the player leaves the sector, the fleet ships will automatically return to formation to stay with the player.
New 'HUDMotion.txt' Lines
Three new lines have been added to the 'hudmotion.txt' file option. Line 5 supports locking the tunnel to the direction of the ship's forward HUD and/or rotating it 90 degrees. Line 6 supports disabling depth sorting for the tunnel or spears mode. And line 7 supports changing the number of rows for the tunnel mode. See the customizing kit for details.
Changed files in this update