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Factory Town Idle update for 27 August 2023

Patch Notes 1.85

Share · View all patches · Build 12044137 · Last edited 27 August 2023 – 23:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Balance Changes

  • Greatly reduced growth in physical building costs (coin costs still grow at same rate). The issue with the physical materials in construction costs is they so far outpaced storage that you could never bank enough of them and as soon as you started building something it destroyed your whole supply chain. Coins can be stored up and since players are usually limited by market sell rates anyways, the impact of sudden high coin spend won't shock the supply chain.
  • When house count is between 50 and 59, construction now requires Reinforced Plank, Refined Stone Brick and Glass Panel instead of Reinforced Plank and Iron Ingot.
  • When house count is greater than 60, construction now requires Steel and Glass Panel instead of Steel and Reinforced Plank
  • Added new Town Perk: 'Omnistone Demand'. Each level increases the amount of Omnistone that is requested as the Arcane Emporium
  • Added infinite research for 'Omnistone Sell Value'
  • Town XP perk now looks for local town level > 40, not global town level > 40
  • To lower work capacity Auto-Assign volatility, the allowed delta will gradually ramp up speed. If production capacity is < 20, maximum change is 1 at a time. If production capacity is < 50, maximum change is 2 at a time.
  • Town perks that boost market buildings now correctly boost ‘demand’ (the amount requested for full satisfaction score) in addition to maximum supply rate
  • Changed costs of various Infinite Research to more evenly balance across coin type & knowledge tome type
  • Reduced cost growth of Solar Panels
  • Greatly increased the power of Solar Panel Effectiveness upgrade
  • Added new OmniCoin upgrade for Solar Panel Effectiveness
  • All ‘Magic Clothing’ and ‘Magic Jewelry’ recipes now explicitly require “Magic Clothing” or “Magic Jewelry” research. Previously, those research recipes unlocked a series of global recipe quests for the items, but then once those quests were complete, those items could be built in any town. This resulted in an incomplete tooltip when hovering over the research, so it was hard to tell what the research unlocked.
  • New Quest requirement added to unlock ‘Magic Ring’ recipe. Players who have already created Magic Rings will have the quest automatically completed.
  • List items on the Market panel are displayed as soon as the sellable item is unlocked in any town. This is because Market buildings are unlocked globally, and once an item is unlocked globally it is immediately available via Trading Posts and is therefore sellable at Markets
  • Jewelry Stores cost Red Coins, not Blue Coins

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug: Trading Post Production Capacity had impossible requirement “Have [x] skill levels at Trading Post”. Instead it requires a certain number of Trading Posts to be constructed per upgrade level
  • Can reduce Town & Global perks even if the perk is still locked (helps resolve a situation that occasionally during game version changes)
  • Fixed bug: Infinite research for Omni Temple Productivity, Infinite research for Mana Reactor Productivity, and various Temple boosts were not being displayed in the production rate tooltip for recipes
Windows 64-bit Depot 2207491
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Depot 2207492
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