- It is no longer possible to get the achievement No bullets wasted! in the tutorial chamber
- The achievement Not so accurate now also works with minigun enemies
- The achievement Dodging at its best will no longer unlock after falling into water
- The teleporter door now opens 30% faster
- Fixed a bug that would let you look around while viewing a log by rewinding.
- When you collect a new log, the pop-up UI stays longer on the screen and also gives information about where you can view all of the logs.
- Added some small railings to Chamber 31 to indicate which direction you need to go.
- Fixed some UI issues when playing on a screen that wasn't 16:9
- Changed the default camera angle when customizing your weapon
- You can now press F4 to toggle whether or not you can only move while RMB is pressed in the level editor.
- A trigger now also delays an event when a delay is specified in the level editor.
- The end teleporter now works in the level editor.
- Left Ctrl and Spacebar are no longer keybinds for flying up and down in the level editor, as it caused some issues with existing keybinds. You can still use Q and E for flying up and down.
- Fixed a bug that caused Undo and Redo to undo/redo everything on an object at once.
Changed files in this update