Major Update 1.3: Performance Boost & Revamped Aesthetic
Locations now have a simulated measure of GLOOM and HEAT, both of which impact location look and feel. Darker darks, less flat looking generally, greater lighting clarity.
Here's a 20 second video showing some selected before and after shots:
The GLOOM setting can be adjusted. Look under Settings > Display > More
Set GLOOM to 0% to get back to the 'classic' look (i.e. how things looked before this update). Or increase it for a more moody vibe.
A tonne of unexciting under-the-hood changes to render frames faster. Pretty decent result - on an NVidia GTX 1070 (the min recommended spec) seeing a +50%-ish framerate improvement.
An important first-step towards console ports.
And should mean a much better experience playing on Steam Deck.
Other Changes
- Change: Throw, Drop actions are now rebindable
- Change: Texture streaming now supported - means much better visuals at LO quality
- Change: Made drawers easier to open
- Change: Slightly tuned down the rate at which BOTHER accrues at higher difficulties
- Fix: Pup-with-disk-looking-at-Bug interaction prompt, broke something in last patch
- Fix: You could get stuck on top of the cute lift in Legacy Systems (because no HOP available from there)
- Fix: Merging Station prevent physics objects falling under the station stairs in some situations
- Fix: Merging Station Train audio was clicking / weird
- Fix: DADs were 'slipping' while being printed
- Fix: A few Turkish translation fix-ups
Changed files in this update