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STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator update for 27 August 2023

Update 0.2: Improved trading

Share · View all patches · Build 12043576 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:33:34 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Finally, the first major update. It is dedicated to more convenient trading and communication with contacts.

New features:

  • Added income and expense book;
  • Added the ability to conveniently view your own portfolio, where you can easily track the most profitable companies for you;
  • You can now call, communicate, and invite your contacts to a bar on weekends;
  • You can now see the picture of the contact communicating with you;
  • 4 new music tracks in the game;
  • Your contacts with a good friendship level can now offer exclusive deals at the bar;
  • New random events;
  • Two modes of time passing speed;
  • The possibility to go on a vacation on your own once every three months;
  • In vacation, Amy now talks about vacation, not work;
  • New achievements;
  • Some more secret stuff.

Changes in the exchange:

  • In the stock exchange, when you hover over "+" or "-", you can now see the price of the stock at which you last bought it;
  • Restrictions on trading on the stock exchange have been introduced: you won't be able to buy 100% of the shares of all companies as easily as you want, because not all of their owners want to sell them;
  • Now your purchase of shares has a more active impact on their price and the market as a whole;
  • Two new difficulty settings: the speed of time on the stock exchange and the presence of the FSA (State Financial Regulator)
  • FSA: If you quickly sell and buy shares on the stock exchange, shaking up the market, the FSA may issue you a warning or sue you.

Note: some of these changes will not be visible in old saves. Start a new game on Normal or higher.

Quality of life:

  • Improved ability to create fan localizations (read more here);
  • Ability to make a lower game speed;
  • Shareholder meetings are now held no more than once a week;
  • Removed decimal numbers from money amounts;
  • A small rebalancing;
  • It is now impossible to click Options during some events and while dialogs are present;
  • The boss now automatically gets behind the wheel of a newly bought car if there was no car before;
  • The speed of increasing or decreasing the bet on horse racing has been increased;
  • The chance of an investment offer from Future Tech has been increased;
  • You can now produce much more pachinko balls at a time;
  • The speech mini-game now works on the G H J buttons, as a unified solution for different keyboards. (Z X C will also continue to work);
  • Friendship level changes are now visible in the notification;
  • Japanese localization has been improved (but it may not be the best in the new timeline, this is temporary);


  • There are new bugs;

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where predictions in the bar could appear only once in the entire game;
  • Fixed a bug that could cause companies that have already been liquidated to appear in events;
  • Fixed a bug that caused the shares of all companies to drop dramatically for no reason;
  • A bunch of other minor bugs have been fixed.
Windows Depot 1539141
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