Improved language support
- Added support for 17 new languages
- Reworked the tutorial to be easier to understand on all languages
- New language switcher in options
- Added player nametag font support for all languages
Respawn Screen
- Fixed the profile picture display in the respawn screen
- The respawn screen now also shows the weapon used to kill you
- Nametags of players now properly face the respawn screen
Polish and bug fix
- When your teammates are damaged or heal in POINT/TDM/CTF, you will temporarily be able to see their health
- In POINT/TDM/CTF allies and enemies nametags will now be labeled "Ally" or "Enemy" to help new players and quickly distinguish between the two
- DLC buy buttons now display the localized pricing instead of USD
- Fixed the XP bar at the end of matches
- New credits screen
- You can now shoot through the glass in the Train Yard map
- Fixed strange behaviour when the game ends and you are in the respawn armoury
- Fixed the spamming of shoot and footstep SFX in the game end screen
Changed files in this update