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Merge & Blade update for 5 September 2023

The second content update is finally here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12043083 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 08:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, everyone!

The second content update is finally here!
This update provides 3 new roguelike characters, a whole new roguelike scenario, and achievements to unlock.

3 new Roguelike Characters

◾Revolutionist has a chance to become the highest-grade unit among those you have unlocked when merging farmers. Show the power of the people!

◾Bishop blesses the ally with the lowest HP. The units blessed by Bishop will restore HP and attack faster. However, Bishop doesn't care for herself, so be careful.

◾Vampire absorbs enemies' blood to restore its own HP. Why is Vampire on the human side? It's because it doesn't want its prey to disappear.

Whole new Roguelike scenario - Into the Dark

◾Exploer the endless underground dungeon
◾Each floor consists of 20 rounds, and if you win, you can proceed to the lower floor.
◾If you lose continuously, you'll be driven out to the upper floor.
◾As you descend the floors, you can gather clues about the monsters.
◾Continue the challenging journey to get closer to the truth.

Thanks a million for your feedback and support! If you let us know your thoughts on the game and this update, it will be really helpful to make the game better.

We have started working on the next content update, including Roguelite mode! It would be very different from Roguelike mode.
We’ll be back soon!


Windows Merge & Blade Content Depot 1446931
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