Rebound v0.70.0 is now live! 🏒
Tweaked backfill to be less strict. We've been monitoring the change from last patch and are putting it on a middle-ground.
This means you're more likely to get a backfill but it will still take skill range into account properly and have a hard cap.
Slapshop Bundles
Added bundles to the shop. We've polled this featured in Discord and you overwhelmingly voted yes!
- A new tab called Bundles was added to shop
- Bundles are a collection of cosmetics you can purchase using Pux. They can be outfits or other related cosmetics.
- Bundles are not on rotation, they will always be available in the shop.
- If you already own one or more items in a bundle, it will subtract the cost of those items from the bundle.
- A 10% Pux discount is applied to all bundles (except when there is only 1 item remaining).
- Unless a cosmetic in a bundle has the 'Exclusive' rarity, it will still be featured in the normal shop rotation
Purchasing Pux
With the introduction of bundles, there will be more things that cost more than the smallest Pux package.
We never want to force people to purchase more Pux than they need, so we added a way to buy a custom amount of Pux.
In the Pux purchasing menu, we added an interface where you can put in the exact amount of Pux you want to buy.
This will calculate the cost for the Pux and allow you to buy only that amount.
Prices are calculated based on the ratio between the Pux in a package, applying the same ratio to their prices.
E.g. With 12 500 Pux = $4.99 and 27 200 Pux = $9.99, 20 000 Pux will cost $7.55
Slapstation Arena
- Created several performance improvements for the Slapstation map
- Fixed goal spotlights in Slapstation not showing correctly
- Added Slapstation to the public map rotation (matchmaking games)
Quality of Life
- Added an indicator in matchmade games to show which players are in a party (yellow line to the left of their name).
- Added new loading screens (from the community competition!)
- Added new tips to the loading screen
- Added beret, trenchcoat and earrings for Patreon
- Added Kazxi's jersey and Frowny Puck
- Made a bunch of fixes related to the cosmetics preview UI (invisible heads etc)
- The shop stick previews will now use the currently equipped stick colors to avoid confusion
The Oddshot Games team
Changed files in this update