- [ALL] To celebrate the release of the Tetris movie (now streaming on Apple TV+!), the 1984 and 1989 stages are unlocked by default for everyone to play for a limited time. Stages can be played in EFFECT MODES MARATHON, CHILL MARATHON, QUICK PLAY and MYSTERY. (NOTE: These stages are not available in ZONE MARATHON.)
- [ALL] Added Tetris Rate and Drought display option in OPTIONS > GRAPHICS > CLASSIC SCORE ATTACK HUD. When enabled, Tetris Rate (TRT) and Drought (DHT) will be displayed in single-player CLASSIC SCORE ATTACK in EFFECT MODES and in MULTIPLAYER CLASSIC SCORE ATTACK.
- [ALL] Added tips in MULTIPLAYER lobbies.
- [ALL] Added MASTER: ENDLESS (LINES) leaderboard. The leaderboard for MASTER (ENDLESS) is now MASTER: ENDLESS (SCORE).
- [ALL] Fixed an issue in EFFECT MODES > CLASSIC SCORE ATTACK where the wrong sound for the selected speed level was played at the start of the game.
- Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.
Changed files in this update