Hello, everyone!
As of this update (1.279), you can now add as many message layouts as you like. By creating multiple message layouts, you can switch which message layout is used during your game whenever you want.
You can switch layouts using the official plugin scriptexecute-changemessagelayout.js. When you want to change the layout, put the following code in the event command "Execute Script / Execute Code". The function's second argument is the layout ID you want to change to.
changeMessageLayout(MessageLayout.TEROP, 5);
To return the layout to its original setting, use the following code. Specify -1 for the second argument.
changeMessageLayout(MessageLayout.TEROP, -1);
New Features:
- Added "Horizontal Auto Adjustment" to Animations/Animation Information/Boundary Settings. If the checkbox is disabled, the sprite's x coordinate will not change.
- Added a script method to change the zoom mode of software full screen. Call root.setSoftwareFullScreenInterpolationMode(InterpolationMode.NEARESTNEIGHBOR);
- Added "New Game Plus" to Database/Config/Difficulties. The "New Game Plus" screen can only be displayed when starting the game on a specific difficulty level.
- Added "Shop Layout Width" to Tools Menu/Options/Size. The longer width is safer when using a lot of control characters.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the "Distance" tab in Event Conditions was not working properly in Dark Mode.
- Fixed a bug when the text box in the "Script" tab of Event Conditions was blank.
- Fixed a bug in the official plugin skill-scout.js.
Changed files in this update