Minor update, mostly fixing default HUD font size, and allowing player to press ESC to auto-select choices ending in (Cancel), (Continue), (Done), or (Back), like I did recently with Warlordocracy. Final update of all time or I will eat my own member..
Complete list of changes:
-Fixed minor problem with changing HUD font size, fixed default HUD font size.
-Pressing ESC key during windows will automatically choose options ending with "(Cancel)", "(Continue)", "(Done)", or "(Back)".
-Fixed problem with Laughing Coyote gaining new abilities at the end of chapters: Pharmaceuticals, Stimulants, Speed Strike.
-Changed "Blunt" damage type in some scripts to "Melee" (didn't affect anything because it's damage type#0).
-(PANAMA) Fixed missing Mabel dialogue with Lady's Man ability (doubled point reward).
-(BATTLES) Game now auto-saves after character creation in BATTLES DLC.
Changed files in this update