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Mines and Magic update for 24 March 2023

Technical update

Share · View all patches · Build 10852166 · Last edited 24 March 2023 – 23:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

There were a plethora of little things fixed.

But the most important change is replacement of Unity physics with my own custom physics.

This brings two important benefits:

  1. There won't be any risk of breaking determinism due to Unity physics. So, network game will be more stable, with much less cases of desynchronization.

  2. Now I can create a system that will make sure the game doesn't end in case of network related desynchronization, but would rather quietly pick up synchronized state from a few moments later, and fast forward to the current state maintaining synchronization this time. This will remove any desync case except when a player had completely disconnected. This system will be added with the next patch.

This patch also includes a few small balance patches. For example, "freeze" and "weak arms" spells have become stronger.

Windows 64-bit Mines and Magic Content Depot 884641
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Windows 32-bit Mines and Magic Depot Depot 884642
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macOS Mines and Magic Depot Depot 884643
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