New Captain: Raven
From Top Model to Top Gun, Captain Raven strikes fear in the hearts of her enemies, as her seeking rockets shoot out like a pair of deadly wings, a symbol of the destruction that's about to follow.
- Raven Seeking Rockets (3 Levels)
- Raven Knockback Boosters - Knockback Force On Boost (3 Levels)
- Raven Shields (3 Levels)
- Super Rockets (3 Levels)
Added Space Cube Upgrades, Unlock Missions & Steam Achievements
Seeking Rockets
Manual aim directs the rockets to seek in the direction you're aiming
Rockets trails changed to have a gradient from blue to pink
Explosion changed to blend between blue and pink
New Super Rocket sprite, golden trail & golden explosion
Balanced Upgrades
- Rockets Per Shot (6 Levels)
- Explosion Range (3 Levels)
- Rockets Per Second (3 Levels)
- Rocket Damage (3 Levels)
New Enemy: Shooter
- Fast moving but keeps distance from player ship
- Shoots invincible bullets
- Appears on Silver Rank and above (Waves 32, 37, 52, 57, 72, 77, 92, 97, 112 & 117)
Elite Hell Bird Spaceship
- Base Hull reduced to 2x the hull of the other Elites (previously 4x)
- Base Shields now match the other Elites (previously 2x max with 2x recharge rate)
- New attack state where it comes in close to the player for 10 seconds for better close range combat
Elite Turret Ship
- Speed multiplier capped at 2x instead of unlimited for better close range combat
New End of Run Summary Screen Stats
Time Cubes Collected
Total Gold Collected
- Gold Magnet
- Gold Vaults
- Super Gold Vaults
- SS Gold Bug Vault
Slime Trail
- Optimized Slime Trail polygons as potential fix for Slime Trail disappearing
Card Selection
- First Card Slot in the in-game Upgrades will never be a Crew Card
Ram Invincibility Knockback
- Duration increased to 1 second instead 0.5 seconds.
Battle Royale Circle
- Fixed bug that was preventing Battle Royale Circle Enemies from closing in
Changed files in this update