And another update! And how do I find time for real life? :D Nevermind, this update has a lot of fixes and gameplay balance adjustments.
- Fixed bug: when were several damage hits in the same game tick, was applied only first one.
- Fixed bug: Loot Crates collecting were required to complete Area. Now you need only elliminate all enemies.
- Fixed bug: Worms were stuck on corners sometimes. Now it should happen much less frequently or not happen at all. But I continue to improve movement algorithms.
- Fixed bug: Very rarely Leviathan can not be spawned and other NPCs too.
- Fixed bug: Split Shoot Module and Energy Burst damage change was affecting player damage a wrong percent.
- Shotgun and Plasma Moon weapons knockback is increased.
- Plasma Moon damage is decreased.
- Shotgun damage and reload speed is decreased a bit. For shotgun it still be very good since bugfix, described above.
- Berserk ability reload is increased by 1 sec.
- On Loadout screen you now can see weapon Knockback parameter info.
- Periodic damage/heal now has delay before start affecting target.
- Balanced player leveling a bit.
- Other changes.
- Jet Modules and Auto-aimed rocket effects were improved.
- Fixed conflicting buttons on gamepad controller. Duplicated movement controls to a D-pad.
- Modding: Loadout modding was added as preview. Its API will be changed in future!
Changed files in this update