This update is perhaps the biggest update to original game ever! Huge number of changes that I can't even list. The top ones are described below:
- This update has a LOT of changes to the game, it is probably the biggest update so far. Your saves CAN carry over, however it is strongly recommend to start a new save (in a different save slot) because the progression balance has changed quite a bit.
- There are no intentional changes to remake in this update. Sorry remake fans, I'll be thinking of what to do with remake in future updates.
- Totally remake the item system. Now every single item that drops is auto-collected, you cannot miss one by being AFK. Items no longer have a mark system. Items are much more rare, and now only drop when beating each boss level the first time in a run. Item effects are permanent. You cannot farm a boss level to collect items over and over again. Many item effects are completely different from before.
- Change the way 'farming a battle' works in the game. No longer about auto-collected items, it's now about resources that you gain from each battle you win (gold and experience).
- Job points now carry over on prestige, and items now carry over on prestige. To make sure this isn't exploitable, there is now a 1 hour prestige timer between prestiges. Any prestige done too early (before 1 hour) will reap zero rewards (no items, no job points can be gained or spent). Prestige is still allowed without rewards, to be used for situations where you really regret choosing a job and don't want to continue a run. Bottom line, prestiges shorter than 1 hour cannot be used for any kind of meta-game progression.
- Ranking up a job no longer raises the minimum level required to prestige. You can always prestige at level 11 with rewards (as long as your run is an hour or more).
- Experience system -- your fleet will gain slight power with every battle won, with higher levels granting more experience. Experience is granted on level victory, not per enemy destroyed.
- Change many of the prestige abilities to be more interesting and better balanced.
- Most upgrades no longer affect base stats (with rare exceptions), as they put the natural balance of the different ships out of wack.
- Now every ship has a category. Most upgrades, if they previously applied to a specific ship type, now apply to a category of ships. This should make the game better balanced and easier to stay balanced if more ships are added in the future.
- The game now offers a lot of new things that upgrades can affect, and the new items and prestige upgrades take full advantage of that.
- The game now allows upgrades to use a mechanic that is more-than-linear growth (before if a L1 upgrade would do +5%, then L2 of the same ability would always offer +10% -- this made them scale poorly at high levels. Now many upgrades you can purchase have a better growth pattern that scales better, sometimes much better, at high levels).
- Add a new insight resource, and some insights that require it.
- Make gold a much more interesting / bottlenecking resource. If you're having gold troubles, know that that should get better in a few runs once you have some prestige abilities and items.
- Redo the way cargo/miner (civilian ship category) interact with the rest of the game. Cargo now gives bonus to storage, and both ships are much worse at combat than before, they're intended to be a tradeoff -- clearly worse at combat, but they give you a bonus at something else.
- Add new interactive cooldown abilities to the battle system for players who want to directly affect the battle and accelerate their progress.
- Totally redo the way offline calculations are done to be simpler in code, more efficient on your battery, and easier to understand what happened.
- In line with new offline calculations, now offer a Log tab that shows your offline gains (popup left side messages no longer exist, because they partly blocked the UI, and then disappeared quickly making them completely missable).
- Upgrade to newly released ebiten game engine v2.5.0 which improves android speed, and fixes some crashes.
- Offer a way to disable scrolling on the battle screen, as it was annoying in some cases.
- New trading mechanic, which for now allows you to sell certain resources for some gold (amount of gold scales with your current fleet's optimal gold farming rate).
- On mobile, better tolerate swipes from the edge (i.e. don't consider swipes from the edge to be a button click).
- Improve the UI when a ship is selected to hint to users how to get more detailed stats.
- Show farming rate and allow scanning for perfect farm level on military/insight/science tabs, and show max battle level on all tabs.
- Also in that enhanced farm rate UI, show a percentage as to how close you are to beating the next level (100% means you should be able to beat it, a little below you may be able to beat it by spamming manual abilities).
- Improve the way dole out button works on military tab to be smarter, and various other military tab UI enhancements such as showing land cost to add next ship type.
- Add new science resource clickable. Remove the ability for clickable resource drops to heal.
- Add a simple icon for each job.
- Add ability to toggle dev stats by UI (on settings tab in legacy game only for now).
- Make the ability for labels to fade out over a period of time, and use it in a few places.
- On windows/mac/linux, more reliably save if you manually close the window instead of hitting escape.
- Remove mercenaries from the game, they were basically useless and everyone knew it for a long time.
- Mark ship mark level a floating point number instead of an integer, for better granularity between factory level upgrades, and especially as you collect exp.
- Also make job points a floating point number, now that they carry over from run to run
- Huge amount of code refactoring in the original game to make things less finicky, less buggy, and easier to modify going forward.
- Many other bugfixes, performance improvements, and UI tweaks.
- Update to golang v1.20.2 which improves performance slightly
Changed files in this update