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MAJOR Presence Playtest update for 24 March 2023

Playtest 1.0 Live now!

Share · View all patches · Build 10842470 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:17:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you all for the support over the past year of development. Your support and patience is starting to pay off, as today I give you version 1.0 of the Presence playtest! Version Pre-Alpha 1.0 consists of the first area in the game, and has most of the major systems in the game implemented.

The purpose of the playtest is to collect feedback from you the players. Is the game actually fun? Where does it need improvement? Any major bugs/issues? These are the sort of questions I am hoping to get answered with this early build of the game. The game is roughly 10-20 minutes in length. For feedback go to this form:

Or click the 'Give Feedback' button on the game's main menu.

All and all I hope you all at least have some fun with the early build, I know its not perfect, but I hope it at least excites you for the future of the game. The playtest will be live for 1-2 weeks, after-which it will be closed and you will no longer be able to access the game. BUT, don't worry. I am planning on doing a much larger and significant playtest 2.0 in June. That version will have all the major systems ready, along with the second area. Alongside more story and lore added to the game.

Be sure to follow the devlog series on my YouTube to keep up with what I am working on.

With that, have fun. I am excited to see all your reactions and to address the issues and concerns you have.

See you in the next one, Far Travellers.

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