We are pleased to announce that RealFlight version 10.00.042 is now available as a free release for all Evolution users! Its primary purpose is to lay the foundation for our first DLC (coming very soon!). We took the opportunity to squeeze in an assortment of other minor fixes and art improvements as well.
If you are using the DXVK workaround, all of this applies to you. The "dxvk-intel-fix" branch has received this update.
Release Notes:
- Added support for the upcoming Quarterly Content Pack 1 DLC
- Wind speed responds properly to Page Up/Down commands, does not get stuck above 10 kph when using metric units
- Descriptions for the menu items in My RealFlight -> Export are expanded to provide more info
- Viewing a training lesson resets physics speed to 100%, preventing audio playback issues
- Removed a few outdated Features videos
- Tech Support dialog: The RealFlightHelper version number is printed out correctly
- Tech Support dialog: The RealFlight .ini file contents are once again included in gathered system info
- Tech Support dialog: System info no longer includes the contents of a couple directories that were used by previous versions of RealFlight but are not relevant in Evolution
- Tech Support dialog: Fixed support for MSInfo
- Tech Support dialog: Reorganized the dialog layout a bit to better support the strings we now display
- Installation: Eliminated a previously required registry entry
- Piper Cub Float Plane is better balanced in the water
The following airport objects received art updates:
- Cooler
- Park Bench
- Spade
- Sword
- Treasure Chest
How to Get It
Steam will detect the new version and automatically update RealFlight when it thinks your computer is not very busy. You can trigger the update manually if desired by completely restarting Steam. Right-click the Steam icon in your system tray and select Exit. Once everything closes, run Steam again, and the update should complete.
Changed files in this update