Today marks the 5th year anniversary from when I started working on this game! To celebrate, Tanks v1.5.0 has been released, for all of you to enjoy the brand new arcade mode!
'Tanks' for sticking for so long, it's been a fun journey developing this game.
What's new in Tanks v1.5.0:
New arcade mode minigame:
- Point system based on tank kills
- Continuously spawning enemy tank waves
- Respawn if you die
- Time limit of 2 minutes and 12 seconds
- A rampage system for destroying tanks in a row
- Tanks drop items that you can use to your advantage
- Frenzy mode: destroy all you can when time runs out!
- Point bonuses judging your performance at the end
- Font is now varied across statistics for readability
- Added crusade descriptions for built-in crusades
- Built-in crusades now track your best completion time, which you can see directly from the crusade screen
- Completed crusade runs can be compared to your best run
- Reorganized options screens
- Added new profile customization section to options
- You can now use a custom tank color in singleplayer
- Added option to show bullets under terrain
- Added 30 FPS deterministic mode
- Updated menu music
- Added item switching indicator on tank
- Updated tutorial to be more exciting
- Removed laser from versus mode
- Tanks will not explode on death if killed right after spawning
- Changed fireworks appearance
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements
The game has come a long way from when it started as a small Java Swing game, growing to over 83,000 lines of code as of version v1.5. Last year for this occasion, I made a video covering the history of the game, which you can find here:
Since then, the game has gained a powerful tank editor in v1.4 along with the new arcade mode in v1.5. Here's to another few years of Tanks! (And don't worry, there are still more updates coming!).
Changed files in this update