Hey everybody,
Over the past few weeks we've been working away at trying to squash some of the bigger bugs you've been encountering.
We've fixed and tested the following bugs/features:
- Re visited tutorial to help players get through it easier
- Fixed certain save system issues
- Tweaked how the player interacts with the gun
- Tweaked how the player interacts with items
- Fixed certain audio issues
- Began re working quality settings
- Fixed certain collision issues
- Added holsters for the key cards and torch
- Removed tabs for settings that were not working
Moving forward our next areas of focus will be:
- Changing the Door Interaction system.
- Changing the Backpack/Inventory system.
We want to thank you for your patience and your feedback,
If you continue to run into bugs big or small please don't hesitate to let us know by filling out our bug fix form here:
Changed files in this update