Version 0.2.10 is now live.
This addresses an issue I was aware could happen, but didn't have time to address before. Prior to this version it's possible that ReplayVR could fail to startup correctly, then have no indication on how to get support. The splash screen will now have a link to the support Discord, and will advise the user to ask for help there if an issue arises on startup.
I didn't expect this issue to popup so quickly, but it did, and I sincerely apologize for not having this in place before then.
On the to do list
This patch addresses one of the top three tasks I have planned for ReplayVR. The others being to add support for translations, and the other to simplify the process of setting ReplayVR to startup with SteamVR.
I'll need to setup some infrastructure before it can be done, but I'm hoping to have some translations available in the short term. I've had some offers for help with translation, and I'm open to more. Feel free to ping me on the support Discord if you'd like to help.
Automatic startup
I want to add a toggle in the settings for ReplayVR to enable and disable automatic startup with SteamVR. It's definitely more convenient to have it startup automatically, and convenience is the whole intention of ReplayVR.
It's possible to enable automatic startup another way in the mean time. While in VR, open the SteamVR dashboard. Click on the "Settings" button at the bottom right. Click on the "Startup/Shutdown" tab on the bottom left. Click on "CHOOSE STARTUP OVERLAY APPS" at the top. This will present you with a list of installed VR overlay apps that SteamVR is aware of. You can toggle these on or off here.
This is a task that I recently promoted to high priority while finding many people were not aware there was a way to toggle the startup overlay apps.
Hoping I'll have both of these tasks done quickly.
Changed files in this update