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Infinity Wars - Animated Trading Card Game update for 23 March 2023

Revelations Released | IWC 0.81 Beta Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 10835816 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via


Revelations is now live!

All Revelations cards are now available to play. Check them out on the deckbuilder now!
We are thrilled to present our latest set featuring 100 new cards, including 40+ multifaction cards and the new Recall mechanic.
Various micro-rifts have opened across the worlds of Infinity Wars, enabling contact, conflict, and cooperation between all factions without the need to traverse the Old World.
Revelations is where things truly begin to escalate and become much more intricate as new threats rise and fall. You can find all the new cards on the Official Wiki, in the deckbuilder, or in the Revelations Spoiler channel in our discord. Also, check out Platform_Disciple's Youtube where he's done some impressive Revelations Card reviews of the entire set!
We are very excited to see all the new cards in action and want to thank again our amazing kickstarter backers that have made this possible.

Major Features

Kickstarter Rewards

The first wave of Revelations Kickstarter rewards has been granted to all our amazing backers that filled in the backer survey.
If you filled in your survey only in the last day or two, we’ll be doing another wave next week.
If you either have not filled out your survey or given incorrect details about you IWC account name, we will be contacting you soon to allow you to get your rewards as soon as possible.
Be sure to check out our "kickstarter_rewards_help" channel on discord if you have any questions or concerns.

Revelation Packs

Revelation penta packs are now available on the store, replacing the previously available Intrigue packs. If you want access to coloured versions of new set, this is one of the best ways to get that.

New Prestige Pass System

Every player can now switch between different set/season passes allowing you to choose the type of progression of items you wish. Those who had already progressed through a current prestige pass keep their current progress on that, allowing you to switch to another, or switch back to continue progressing if you have not yet completed it.
The Intrigue Prestige Pass will remain the default long term pass, while each new set will get slightly shorter reward paths to progress.
Previously, the levelling system for prestige pass progressed in sync with your main level, but now each prestige pass progresses at its own rate based on that pass' levelling up model. This means that you can progress faster/slow on a prestige pass than your main level.
A small level progression display is now shown on the match result screen at the end of a match, showing the user their current progression for the current selected pass.
You currently only get prestige pass progression from XP received after playing a game (inc. Quest completion), and not from features such as Daily Login Rewards. This is due to some UI and technical limits we'll be re-evaluating in the future.

New Store Rotation

New items are now available in the store, including previously unseen alternate art bundles, each bundle will be available for two weeks only, and the store will rotate each Friday, so be sure to check back each week.
The Intrigue Full set single pack is also now available for the first time, giving you access to a single colour copy of each of Intrigue’s 100 unique cards.
Finally, we have also made some adjustments to our Player Titles, adding more comedic and personalised titles in future store rotations to help players tailor their profile to their liking.

Badge System

Announced during the Intrigue kickstarter, the Profile Badge system is finally here, with different rarity icons that can be displayed on your profile. This system is still in its early stages but you can now finally use our amazing new kickstarter exclusive badges via the profile page.

Minor Features

New Full Set Pack Opening

Massive improvements have been made to our Full Set Packs, which now have new graphics and UI layout for opening that isn’t just a text list. They also have new box art thanks to the amazing Nick.

Wording consistency updates

Dozens of cards have had spelling fixes, grammar fixes, or wording changes to make similar cards more consistently worded or better reflect how they actually work ingame.

Revealed Card updates

Cards that target your hand or deck now more consistently apply VFX and communicate when they are revealed to your opponent. Essentially the rule of thumb is that single target hand cards will get revealed (like Fiery Ascension) or any card that explicitly reveals (like Wild Hunt.) Cards like Dark Wish that target the deck however will not reveal the card to the opponent unless their card text state’s otherwise.
Thanks to WhatIfFred for helping compile a list of incorrect reveals for us.

Leaderboard Reward Changes

Our monthly Leaderboard rewards system has been updated to better reflect that the leaderboard for dedication of play, and not currently connected to MMR or other competitive ranking system. This is our first pass on this system and we’ll continue to make updates should they improve player experience.
These changes include:

  • The amount of gold granted has been increased
  • The “Player of the Month” titles has been changed to “Most Dedicated [month][year]”. This is a retroactive change.
  • A special cardback for top 10 players each month will be available soon (this cardback doesn’t change each month.)
    Check the leaderboard for more details.
Changes to Copy vs Exact Copy

Fixed inconsistencies between “create copy” and “create exact copy” where the former would sometimes carry across additional effects. Also fixed issues with exact copy and its interactions with cards like Humble, and the Command Zone’s haste effect.

Balance Changes

No Balance Changes in this patch.
Revelations cards will be receiving a post-release balance patch in 1-2 weeks to address urgent issues identified by our internal testers and the wider playerbase.
A regular balance patch will be made next month, which will include a broader range of cards and go through our normal Patreon polling process.


General Fixes
  • Fixed incorrect game mode being set for client in online replays
  • Disabled automatic bug reporting when in replay
  • Fixed online replays getting the wrong turn index for the client player
  • Fixed opponent not starting their own turn in online replay
  • Fixed card zooming not working for opponent hand cards during replay mode
  • Fixed desync log data not showing the end-of-turn board state consistently for both players which caused board state for one player being logged at the start of the next turn.
  • Fixed Hero card allowing it to be zoomed in IWC after it finishes with the ability layout.
  • Fixed purity display for three purity cards in deck builder
  • Fixed exile mechanic incorrectly changing the cards border to history display when using 'drag undo' from the ability queue.
  • Fixed OnPlay VFX playing when failing to deploy a card from the graveyard.
  • Fixed commander purity filter not clearing when switching commanders
  • Fixed bug with commander selection breaking when unselecting your commander.
  • Fixed incorrect match type being set when in a multiplayer queue and switching to other game types in the play screen, resulting in the loading screen to hang for the opponent.
  • Fixed players hanging when initializing a multiplayer game due to syncing not handling when the opponent leaves.
  • Changed player resources count display to only update during planning and process states, so that it doesn't flicker from end-turn resource modifiers.
  • Fixed desyncs with Exile and Recall mechanics when using undo in some situations.
  • Added game hang validation checking in resolution to automatically submit a bug report when it hangs, and then forces the continuation of the game, even if everything could completely fail
  • Added tooltip for can't block modifier.
Card Fixes
  • Fixed Assassinate permanently reducing max resources
  • Fixed Junkyards ability to allow its 3 cost ability be used after its other abilities on the same target
  • Fixed Tracks the Cowardly's ability from damaging things outside of support zone
  • Fixed Martyr of Chaos's ability activating from dying in commander zone
  • Fixed Mega unit 02's Ability to no longer activates from support zone
  • Fixed Nix, Justiciar of Dawn rarity
  • Fixed Fiery Wish's first choice granting huge buffs.
  • Fixed Enyah commander rule for 1 card only, incorrectly including commanders in it's check
  • Fixed Evolving Parasite copying buffs of the target card.
  • Fixed Xi, Mission Bound ability working on the enemy
  • Fixed Mecha Dragon's cost
  • Fixed Salvage Operation’s set number
  • Fixed Honor Hill
  • Fixed Avarrach, Sealed Again
  • Fixed Sol Loyalist VFX
  • Fixed Marina, Spirit Dragon lifelink
  • Fixed Grayscale retreating
  • Fixed Voracious Goliath overcharge effect
  • Fixed Dark Wish and misery Stone’s redundant Magic tags
  • Fixed Explore Deck target filter
  • Fixed Omnitron’s Artificial tag
  • Fixed Descension and its token having the wrong consume value
  • Lowered volume of Proctuls ability activation SFX
  • Changed Struggle for Power to work consistently with other control cards
  • Fixing damage prevention modifier for negating damage based on player type



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