You might need to restart Steam to get the update.
What's a PTR?
PTR stands for the public test realm. Which is another version of the game, a sort of public beta realm for players who want to help test new features.
How do I join PTR?
Right click Tiny Rogues in your Steam Library and select "Properties". Then select "Betas" and chose the _public-test-realm _in the drop-down menu.
Patch Notes
RubyDev: I have been watching videos of and playing games "similar" to Tiny Rogues. (Shoutouts to Brotato and Neophyte)
With the dice rework I want to promote a little bit of a more deterministic way to play Tiny Rogues.
I feel like other games in this genre (or similar genres) often allow a lot of rerolling of rewards, rooms, shops and so on. The availability of these RNG manipulation methods makes players go into a run with a plan and then they try to execute on that plan. (for example, trying out a certain build)
Tiny Rogue is and will always be really just more about going with the flow but I hope increasing dice availability will at least provide a little bit more agency.
Also dice can be used to compensate for bad RNG. Finding only intelligence rewards on your strength build? Try Red Dice!
New features
- Access the Dice Bag in the inventory to use dice.
- Reworked dice. They aren't consumable items anymore but now stored in the dice bag.
- The reward that granted a singular dice now grants multiple dice.
- Red Dice can now reroll the tavern, event rooms, shops, armories, blacksmiths and other special rooms. (Important: these special rooms are not part of the room reward table, so if you reroll one you can not roll into another special room.)
Class Changes
- Buffed gold amount from Bandit's passive ability.
- Wizard passive ability slightly nerfed.
- Song Of Focus of Bard got buffed.
Other Balance Changes
- Static Blows base damage and scaling changed.
- Shield Bash base damage and scaling changed.
- Grenadier base damage and scaling changed.
- Sacramental Bread now only grants +2 Absolution.
- Some starter equipment of classes has been flagged to be exclusive now and cannot appear as a random spawn during a run anymore.
- Increased the defense value granted to enemies by Shielding Enchanted.
- Fixed that Sniper Bow had no effect.
- Tried to fix again that shrines can be bombed during combat.
- Fixed Storm in a Bottle.
- Fixed that Doppelganger rotation locking didn't work.
- Fixed the Green Wool hoodie and fixed the description to reflect the updated effect.
- Blessings now have "ranks" instead of "levels" for less confusing wording of their effects.
- Fixed a bug with animated room reward previews that appeared when using Red Dice on cursed rooms.
Changed depots in public-test-realm branch