1.2.23 Changelog
ADD: Small chance of an unarmoured locomotive being spawned with a Light Artillery Car
ADD: Chance of an Infantry Train Car being spawned with a Light Artillery Car, transports one squad of Riflemen
ADD: Attack animation and sound effects for Molotovs attack
ADD: Left or Right trigger on game controller can also be used to initiate player attacks
CNG: A number of improvements to how the Crew Action and Shooting phase inputs are handled, including highlighting the weapon operated by the currently selected crewman (Thanks Vanagandr!)
CNG: Better calculation and display of to-hit odds when target is HD (Thanks Vanagandr!)
CNG: Minor change to the Acknowledgements screen
FIX: After a scenario finishes, game will check for player withdrawal before apply special outcome for Fighting Withdrawl day missions
FIX: If Player Commander returns from field hospital and is assigned a new vehicle, surviving crew can now be assigned to the new vehicle before new crewmen are spawned to fill any empty positions
Changed files in this update