Custom checkpoints added for track editor:
-extra checkpoint
-ghost checkpoint (start/end ghost, place on both ways of a crossing for best result)
-lap counter (could be used on finish for rally track)
-pit counter (could be used on joker laps, +10/+100 options added to have a different counter)
(keep at least a car length between checkpoints as the game can't check 2 checkpoints at the same time)
-You can now go to the options menu from the race settings menu (to change zoom/finish counter/controls etc.)
-Option to switch between drive and spectate from race pause menu
-DNF car can move on a very slow speed to move a little bit (experimental option)
-Spectator mode option to have both the names shown and the HUD sorted by fastest lap
Ultimate Racing 2D 2 update for 22 March 2023
Custom Checkpoints - Patch released!
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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