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RPG Fitness VR update for 22 March 2023

RPG Fitness VR version 0.5 Release notes

Share · View all patches · Build 10830803 · Last edited 22 March 2023 – 16:52:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Release Notes for RPG Fitness VR, v0.5:

Bug Fixes:

Rucksack is now setup relative to the VR camera so users in large rooms will no longer see the rucksack appear in front of them sometimes. Thanks bluLY!
Fixed a bug where branches would sit vertically on the beaches, impacting immersion.
Fixed a bug where stats would reset to 100 when loading an existing game.
Fixed a bug where underwater blur would remain if you died while underwater.

New Features:

Added a yellow Aggro indicator feature for Deaf & Hard of Hearing players. It will point in the direction of enemies when they aggro on you.
Enemies will now jump up towards you if you are on raised ground (e.g. on top of a rock).
Player speed is now upgradeable when you level up. Current Speed stat added to your VR wrist information panel.
Rocks are now climbable on to escape from faster Wolves.

Game Balance Changes:

Eagles now fly faster.
Enemies now rebound for longer against players (giving a more even battle) and rebound less when fighting other creatures to look more realistic.
Increased the resources that can be found on beaches to remove the early game slog.
Whichever stat you increase when levelling up, automatically fully refilled.

Graphics and Immersion Improvements:

Improved button selection process to make more obvious when a button is selected.
Provided a more modern look & feel to the Levelling up and Quest Complete Banners.
Made fast moving arrows land more true to help with the immersion.

Physics and Sounds Improvements:

Fixed issue where enemies would occasionally take on the momentum from arrows & move unpredictably.
Improved enemy knockback when attacking.
Added a Music on/off setting in the Main Menu for those who wish to listen to their own music while playing.
Fight music now correctly loops if a battle lasts for a while.

Usability Enhancements:

Fixed how collectible items are positioned when being held to be more lifelike.
Improved the colliders on creatures to reduce the chance of arrows floating in mid-air.
Updated all saved values to have JSON properties making long-term save file destruction less likely.
Walking faster using hands is now possible from any angle in your room. You no longer need to face forwards.

Overall, this update brings a range of bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and quality-of-life enhancements that will make the RPG Fitness VR experience even more enjoyable and immersive for players.

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