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C-Wars update for 22 March 2023

Build Update #MAR #104

Share · View all patches · Build 10828868 · Last edited 22 March 2023 – 12:32:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

1- Character portrait with scanlines to represent characters calling from distance in dialogue UI
2- Typing text effect in dialogue UI with speed control
3- Most menus optimized for higher FPS; combat and certain screens that contains pixel animations remain in low FPS for consistent retro pixel art aesthetic
4- Introducing single lane mission type, utilize all you learned when there's nowhere to run
5- New enemy perk to make conditional invincibility for further combat dynamics
6- New enemy perk to induce a self-destruct explosion
7- More tile assets added

1- Repeating dialogue popping up after skip hint triggered
2- A crash caused by switching between the prologue and continuing the existing save
3- End of mission level up carried over to the prologue
4- Frame stability issue switching between different types of scenes
5- Frame stability issue for dialogue during combat
6- Memory leak in dialogue when there's animation playing
7- Memory leak when paused during combat
8- Enemy HP attribute not working correctly
9- Line wrap not working correctly after typing text effect injected
10- Various timers are not synced with the new high frame properly
11- Blood screen not working correctly
12- A potential crash in the menu
13- Flicker and glitches when there are double dialogue frames

1- Prologue combat balance
2- Enemy attributes adjusted
3- Typos, grammar issues, and rewording in dialogue

Windows English C-Wars WIN Depot 250541
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