v0.18.0 - Commando Perks and the Edge Class
It's been awesome watching you players run and riot and run riot, but it's clear that you need more options. So I've been hard at work on a couple of exciting updates that are ready for you to try!
First up is the introduction of Meta-Progression. After every Running Riot run, whether you win or lose, you'll be rewarded with RR Tickets. You can then spend those RR Tickets on Meta-Progression goodies. This update introduces the first kind of Meta-Progression: Class Perks. If you go to the Classes menu and select Commando, you can click the "View Perks" button to spend your tickets on bonuses. These bonuses will apply to you at the start of every run. Right now it's just Commando who has Perks, but more are on the way.
You'll also notice that there's a new class: Edge! Edge is a hyper-mobile swordmaster who dashes around the map, slicing and dicing enemies. She definitely plays differently from Commando, and she's got her own set of abilities and upgrades to explore. I hope you like her, and we'll work together to polish her mechanics!
I hope you enjoy these new features. Be sure to drop a comment in the Community Hub if you've got something you'd like to discuss!
- Evan Martinez
Changed files in this update