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Bot Wars update for 13 April 2023

4Wheel Ride

Share · View all patches · Build 10824921 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Due to a computing error by the Vehicle Manufacturers Guild (Lawsuit Pending), 1,048,576 extra vehicles have been ordered for ALL locations. Per company policy, the vehicles will be delivered no matter who’s there to sign for it. No need to worry about the cost, HQ will be billed directly. So; defend the drop zones, claim your shipment, and take over the streets! Your killbots may not be 100% vehicle certified, but the vehicles are available on the basis that they are put to use immediately upon delivery, so use it or lose it.

High above the City is the Tower Tops, where the Neobots reign supreme. At least, they will until a newer, taller development project is finished...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the solar system, ground has been broken at the new Mars building site....

We’ve spent a lot of extra time working on this update, and we thank you for your patience!

New content:
Introducing Vehicles!
-Use E to climb into a seat
-Use WASD to control the steering and acceleration/breaks
-While in the gunner seat, you can issue drive commands: W to move forward, S to stop, and Q to toggle driver AI. Remember: press F1 to toggle the control tips!
-The vehicles are delivered by drop ship. When a vehicle is destroyed, a new one will be delivered. They also come equipped with a self-flip feature, to help right them when they’re stuck. (Take that, towing companies!)

Two new levels: The Mars Space Elevator built by Sofa, which features new music by Muchkin, and Tower Tops!

A new ability for the Medic/Engineer bot! They can now place barricade plans; once placed, a barricade may be constructed using the Welder Gun.

A new gun for Biomass Burger units! It has a slower reload, but it's more accurate and fires in three-round bursts.

Sticky grenades for the Dross Grenadier!

Fixes and changes:
-Improved the sights for the basic units from first-person POV.
-UI can now be toggled off entirely with F2.
-When hot swapping units, you can use the 1 and 2 keys to switch between unit types, and the 3 and 4 keys to switch between units within that type.
-Some additional minor UI and bug fixes, as well as lots of other minor changes!

If you encounter any issues, be sure to let us know on Discord or the Steam Discussions page!

We hope you enjoy the ride, and don't forget to buckle up!

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