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Expedition Agartha update for 22 March 2023

03/21/23 Patch Notes - Solo Player Buffs/ Bug Fixing

Share · View all patches · Build 10824867 · Last edited 22 March 2023 – 01:32:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Added outnumbered buff- For each enemy player near you, gain 25% additional stamina regeneration rate only when Exhausted.
  • Kicks now refund a small amount of stamina.
  • Added ripostes, affecting all weapons. Parrying gives you a buff for the next 3 seconds, affecting one attack. This next attack costs no stamina, is uninterruptible(can still be blocked), deals 25% additional stamina damage, and is 25% faster.
  • Everything below the knees takes 50% less damage, applies to humanoids.
  • Olfactory Augmentation vial has reduced distance, only lasts 15 seconds now, and adds 60 toxicity.
  • Added additional Anti-Cheat measures.
  • Corrupted Zombies now drop corrupted blood.
  • Fixed memory leak involving stash- the crash can still happen but it should be much harder to trigger.
  • Fixes to asura to improve chance of it not evaporating into thin air during jump attack.
  • Fixed bug where parrying would slow down your movement.
  • Fixed music bugs where they would spam play on repeate, but we had to disable dynamic combat music for now.
  • Fixed fish carving missing from asura arena for Ching's quest.
  • Fixed bug where region activity didn't update properly.
  • Fixed broken travel to land boat in the back of the Ship in the hubworld.
  • Fixed Bakufu npcs not wearing proper clothing.
  • Fixed Templar knight not wearing the Crusader Paladin Torso.
  • Fixed animals in the Forsaken temple dropping the wrong type of meat.
  • Fixed bug where NPCs spawn underground at the Sun Scorched Camp.

Note: corrupted zombies spawning at the northern camp event at the Lost Island is still not dropping rewards. Beware, will fix this another day

P.S we are headed to PAX east 2023! this means we aren't pathing again until next week. We're still working on the game though!

Windows Depot 1552621
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