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XXX_CYBERRAT_XXX update for 22 March 2023

There is now a "Shadow Quality" setting available.

Share · View all patches · Build 10824535 · Last edited 22 March 2023 – 01:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


I spent the rest of today's day to experiment with performance settings. XXX_CYBERRAT_XXX is a unique game as turning on/off the lights is it's main mechanic: unfortunately this means the lights have to be dynamic, which leads to a higher GPU usage. Most of the light you see in games are static lights (= they can't be turned on/off or change intensity/color), because static light is way more performant. Since we need the lights to change throughout the game, we have to stick with a lot of dynamic lights which make the game heavy. I'll be trying to optimize the game in the next couple days (hopefully I'll succeed). For now, a new "Shadow Quality" setting has been added:

  • Shadow Quality: There is a new shadow quality settings which should help players with low fps. It goes from 0 to 3, 0 being the lowest and 3 being the highest. I haven't really tested how the game looks on the lowest setting, so if you have some feedback, head over to our Discord (invite)
  • Chair Demon: If you walk into a demon, an attack minigame pops up. If you have more than 80 anxiety at that time, the minigame is unbeatable. There is an event where a demon sits on your chair: sometimes his collision would be bugged and still exists for ~0.5 second after he disappeared. This has been now fixed.
  • Brower Icon: Fixed a bug where you could avoid getting an anxiety hit by clicking the browser icon in the right moment and destroying your web browser.

As a sidenote, the settings menu looks quite crowded now. Buttons barely fit in. I'll probably redesign it in the next patch.

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